How Mobile Reception Changes Business Operations

We know how we love our data and mobile signal when it comes to our individual use but how we use it depends on our preferences. For some, their primary use of their mobile phones is contacting loved ones, friends and workmates. Others might be staying up-to-date with the lives of who they know via their Facebook activity. Some enjoy meeting new friends and potential lovers through apps such as Tinder and Snapchat. We’re very familiar with how important our mobile devices are to us in terms of our own consumption but how does it fair in the realm of business?

1. Increased market penetration changes how companies connect with consumers.

The minimum cost for fixed lines is greater than that of mobile telecommunication. Fixed lines also involve a longer process, from more infrastructure in installing a landline phone in a residence to the needed paperwork, etc. These, however, may vary on your location as it’s affected by government support and legal mandates.

While those last elements also come into play in mobile connectivity, the cost for a handheld device is much cheaper as models become increasingly outdated. The frequency and the leaps in innovation introduced into the market drive prices down, making this technology more available to people of different economic sectors. The monthly expense for communication is also cheaper. Mobile telecommunication providers offer new promotions and increased services for both prepaid and postpaid overtime. Consumers gain more value for what they spend on mobile communication than with landlines. The greater demand for mobile has resulted in better infrastructure supporting this method of communication. These days, it’s more likely for an individual to own a mobile device than have a fixed line connection at home.

2. Innovative ways of reaching markets brought about by mobile communications gave rise to new jobs.

Over the years, we’ve seen businesses communicate to both patrons and potential new consumers through SMS blasts and cold calls. Now, an online presence is viewed as essential for businesses to compete, regardless of tenure in their respective markets. As more people spend increased time online largely due to data and social media, there’s a new method of marketing utilizing Facebook pages, Instagram company accounts and the like. Firms send email campaigns to their loyal customers through online subscriptions. The latest has been developing dedicated mobile apps and registering on directory apps for their corresponding industries.

The mobile industry, heavily reliant on good and reliable reception, paved the way for new roles/positions and new teams, creating a new organizational structure. The marketing and information technology (IT) departments work more closely together than in the past. They also continue to increase in relevance to a company’s daily operations as technology changes and become more integrated into society.

3. Firms have adopted new company cultures and new ways to work, i.e. remote work.

The impact technology has on businesses goes deeper than IT infrastructure, web development and the latest marketing tactic. It has also called for a new way of thinking from how a consumer thinks to how employees prefer to work. Human resources had to evolve as well. With mobile communication and the internet, more workers are preferring to work homebased or while travelling. The latter are referred to as “digital nomads.” Not all firms have accepted these new ways of working yet more businesses are now flexible to their employees’ needs.

Some companies offer fulltime positions dedicated to those who prefer at home while some let their employees choose between that and working at an office as some still opt for an office setup. Firms are seeing a lot of benefits to remote work such as increased productivity due to dedicated workspaces, allowing more focus and less time spent in commuting. Flexible hours also allow for better work-life balance as employees can adjust work around personal activities. Having to maintain a smaller workspace lets businesses save on rent, utilities and maintenance. Overall, it’s a win-win situation for everyone, creating happier firms and more loyal employees.

1 thought on “How Mobile Reception Changes Business Operations”

  1. It’s really nice to see how mobile integrations has changed the flow of business operations especially when it talks about e-commerce, but truly satisfying for it views the business, regardless of how long your tenure is. It’s just amazing. Thank you for this awesome read 🙂


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