Apple Watch credited for Saving Man who would have Died on the Couch

Once again, the Apple Watch has helped save its owner’s life. The nifty Apple device, in this story, alerted its user that they had a racing pulse following a quick nap, which turned out to be pretty serious – the user was diagnosed with severe internal bleeding. The Apple Watch possesses a bunch of different … Read more →

4 Ways to View Deleted Reddit Posts and Comments

Viewing already deleted comments and posts may seem inappropriate at first, as they have been deleted for a reason. While that point still stands, this fact is also innate within us that mortal beings are curious beings, and they cannot help but wonder. So in this article, I will be discussing the four different websites … Read more →

The best examples of Python apps: Here are the top 12

Python is one of the popular programming languages. It is easy to learn and read. In addition to this, it has a vast library. That’s why Python app development is popular among developers. This article deals with some of the favorite Python apps. 1. YouTube YouTube is a top-rated online video streaming app and website. … Read more →