German consumer organization, Stiftung Warentest, and French Que Choisir, has now conducted their own iPhone 4 antenna tests – and their conclusion is basically the same as Consumer Reports in the US.
Stiftung Warentest found that, with just one finger placed on “the spot”, the signal would drop with 90%. They also tested two other smartphones (unknown models) and found the signal to drop only 25%.
Que Choisir gives iPhone 4 good rankings in pretty much all tests, but like Consumer Reports, they cannot recommend the phone because of antenna issues. They don’t believe the free bumpers/cases from Apple are enough to rectify the problem.
I expect my iPhone 4 to arrive on Monday or Tuesday.
I guess after the mortgage needed for buying the iphone in the first place you need to save costs somewhere! 😉
It happens in Australia too (according to people in the forum). I’m waiting for my iPhone 4 too! Guess we can have a geekier chat together, not just with our iPads lol
My iPhone hopefully arrives within the next two hours – then I better do what everybody is doing – post an antenna video 😀