A SPAM Mail That Kept It’s Promise And Paid $10,000

Well, well, well, what do you know… sometimes a SPAM mail will actually hold it’s promise and deliver on it. A company sent out such a SPAM mail before Christmas, wanting to give $10,000 away for free to the first person who replied with their personal details (bank info etc., also). Out of hundreds of recipients, only one replied. Which is a good sign, I guess, though it would be better if nobody replies to SPAM mails.

Watch the video below. I especially like the ending, it has a nice twist to it. Also, do remember, never reply to SPAM mail no matter how promising they may seem. The only action you should take is hit the delete button, sooner rather than later.

13 thoughts on “A SPAM Mail That Kept It’s Promise And Paid $10,000”

  1. Pingback: Klaus
  2. Wow, I’m going to get busy and answer some of these great offers in my spam folder!

    Also – I was wondering if she was ever going to thank him!
    .-= Christie´s last blog ..How introverted do I want my life to be? =-.

    • Remember, we split 50/50 in case it works. You get half because you did the hard work and I get the other half cause I inspired you to do it in the first place 😀

  3. Pingback: Misc Bytes
  4. I cannot believe this! lol.. yet again, it is one in a million cases. ^^ Entertaining! I agree with you, as much that we love the happy ending, be cautious before you decided to fill up any form.

    I think the guy didn’t see it coming, did he? Applaud his kindness. 🙂

    Social/Blogging Tracker
    .-= Ching Ya´s last blog ..6 Points To Ponder Before Using Automatic Status Updates =-.

    • I wonder what must have went through the head of that guy as he filled out all his details, if he really believed in it? Well, now he can carry a sign that says “I was stupid enough to reply to a SPAM mail with my personal details, but I got $10,000 out of it!”.

  5. I don’t think it is worth it to reply any “spam” emails..oh well I guess you’ll never know. But I’ll choose the “safe” side 😀 It’s like 1 in a million chance of something good ever come out of it
    .-= Michael Aulia´s last blog ..WD TV Live Review =-.

  6. I can not believe that guy for giving his personal bank info and the guys that gave away that much cash. This could have easily been staged for commercial purposes.

  7. It’s hard to believe that this is for true. It does show up on their website, so it looks legit, but the fact that someone would give away their FULL bank details and would then donate the money looks suspicious.
    .-= Anne´s last blog ..Five Ways I Make Money from My Blogs and Sites =-.

  8. Pingback: Scott Paterson

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