How to Choose Budget Robotic Vacuum Cleaner

It is any homeowner’s dream to have a robotic vacuum perform all floor vacuuming tasks for them. However, for a very long time, this has only been just a dream, especially since most of the robotic vacuum models were very costly. With more focus on the low-budget clients, some manufacturers have found a way to make the robotic vacuum ownership fantasy to come true. Right now, a homeowner can get a robotic vacuum cleaner with quite similar features to the high-end models at prices of up to $800 cheaper.

The question is, how do you choose the best budget robot vacuum cleaner and not regret later? Here comes the guide that will help you make the right decision when purchasing your dream robotic vacuum cleaner.

What are your cleaning needs?

Floor vacuuming needs usually differ from one homeowner to another. Some want basic vacuuming that is performed frequently while some love their floors thoroughly cleaned occasionally. No matter what cleaning needs you have, a budget robotic vacuum can cater for them. Your specific cleaning needs will help you determine the type of vacuum cleaner you want in terms of design, cleaning modes available, battery power, size and capacity. For instance, if you prefer a more thorough clean, then a robotic vacuum cleaner with dry/wet mopping functionalities such as the iLIFE V7s will be your best bet. If you prefer better customizability, then a robotic vacuum with a variety of cleaning modes and multiple control options will be suitable for you. If you want convenience in terms of having your floors vacuumed even when you are away from home, consider robot vacuums with scheduling capabilities that suit your conditions.

Do you own pets?

Pets are the best companion most homeowners have, but they are also the worst when it comes to making your living environment dirty. If you live with your furry friend, then consider finding a robotic vacuum that is pet friendly. For instance, its motor should not be noisy; preferably not more than 60dB noise production, to avoid disturbing or scaring the pets during vacuuming. To get rid of any fur they shed, it is advisable to get a budget vacuum with powerful suction. This ensures that even the tiniest hair particles and other dirt and debris is sucked up by the robotic vacuum.

How big is your house?

Depending on how big your house is, you can be able to make a choice regarding the battery power, dirt cup capacity and navigation capabilities. If you want to clean a larger area, then it is apparent that your robotic vacuum has a great battery life. Try to have a balance between the running time and the charge time.

You should also consider models with the self-charging feature that enables them to return to their charging dock automatically for a recharge once a low battery is detected. This will not only save you so much time, but also so much effort as such vacuums will require very little human intervention. The dirt cup capacity should also be symbolic of the size of the house. Larger spaces call for larger dirt cups that won’t require frequent emptying in between vacuuming schedules. Bigger spaces also require vacuum cleaners with better navigation options to be able to move from one room to another quickly and safely.

What is the nature of your floors?

Are your floors carpeted of bare? If your floors are bare such as hardwood floors, then finding a budget vacuum should not be a problem. However, for carpeted floors, you should ensure that the robotic vacuum cleaner you choose has higher suction power that can easily get rid of dirt from the carpet fibers without damaging them. According to the article I’ve found on site RobotBox, the best model for carpet is Roomba 980 because it has special mode “Carpet Boost”, but it’s not budget model.

On the other hand, if your floors are a combination of carpets and bare floors, then finding an all-surface robotic vacuum is the genius thing to do. If there are lots of edges and obstacles such as stairs and walls/furniture respectively, then you must look for a robotic vacuum with great navigation capabilities to avoid bumping onto obstacles and falling off edges, which can lead to undeserved damages.

What exactly is your budget?

Budget vacuums range from as low as $80 to around $300 and these prices are just but a disguise of what these tiny appliances have to offer. It is usually advisable to choose the best robotic vacuum cleaner within your budget. Even with a low budget, with patience and proper research, you will be able to enjoy impressive accessories and functionalities aimed at keeping your floors flawless and your mind at peace.

In this era that is filled with daily hustles and bustles, a quality robotic vacuum cleaner is a must-have for any household. Starting with the convenience offered by these gadgets to how much of your time they save, it is obvious that more and more homeowners are saving to invest in robotic vacuums. While most people may have been misled into believing that only expensive robotic vacuums can deliver to their expectations, when equipped with this guide, finding a budget vacuum that surpasses their anticipations is a breeze.

However, no matter how cheap or expensive the robotic vacuum seems, always look at user reviews to see if it is long lasting, if it has a warranty and if its parts are replaceable or repairable before you finally purchase it. This will surely save you from a lifetime of regrets.

23 thoughts on “How to Choose Budget Robotic Vacuum Cleaner”

  1. Hi Klaus,

    Wow! With these robotic vacuum cleaners , it will be much easier to get our house cleaned. Pretty useful appliances.

    Thanks for sharing, have a good day. 🙂

  2. Amazing! With these robotic vacuum cleaners, it will be much easier to get our house cleaned. Pretty useful appliances.

  3. I’m a big fan of robot vacuums! And since I have a big golden retriever, it’s nice that you included a section on pet vacuums! Thank you!

  4. That’s great information. I did a search and found your blog. It’s been a big help! Thanks for sharing this blog.

  5. One thing you need to take into consideration is that the carpet shampooer is the right kind for the flooring you have. If you have extremely matted down carpeting, you might need a more professional service to come out and clean your carpets. The kind of carpet shampooer you could buy in a retail store can only do so much. Commercial carpet cleaners would be a lot more effective

  6. Hi Klaus!
    It is really a wonderful article.
    In fact, with so many products on the market, it can be very difficult to assess and identify the right product. Your professional reviews and guidelines might be helpful for choosing the right Robotic Vacuum Cleaner for all.
    Thanks for your guideline and I would love to see you again with more informative articles.

  7. Amazing !! This is very useful topic for those people who want a real budget vacuum. Also love this topic pet owner like me. 🙂

  8. Great guideline for us to choose budget robotic vacuum! We will move to our new house next month. I need to buy a lot furniture and home appliance. Your post is really helpful for me! Thanks for sharing.

  9. Thank you for such great article! I have various types of carpet from low pile to thick plush. Will a robot vacuum really work on all carpets?

  10. Hey Klaus, that was a very helpful writing. Though I could not find what I wanted. Can you suggest some good pool cleaning robots? What would be the average price range for this type of robots?

  11. I totally agree that floor vacuuming is different for every homeowner. This is what I’ve been telling my sister when she told me to just buy a new one when our trusted vacuum cleaner broke down. In my opinion, it would be better to have it repaired by a professional instead of replacing it with low-quality ones.

  12. Thanks Klaus for a very informative blog. Actually, I think, a robotic vacuum is quite difficult to choose for its differences from other upright vacuums.

    So, before choosing a robot vacuum, read a relevant guide is a must. Although this is short content, still it is helpful.

  13. These are some great tips! And you’ve got it right; it makes a massive difference. Choosing the right Vacuum For Stairs can be pretty tricky, but this guide made it a lot simpler! Thank you so much for writing; this was helpful!

  14. Robotic or non robotic, Each and every vacuum cleaner has its own place. Because if you have time and will to do work with yourself then you can choose for traditional vacuum cleaner. But if you want to move for something futuristic then robotic is the best option. Thanks for this informative article.

  15. Very helpful and wondaful guide to choose the best robotic vacuum cleaner for home. This is really great article for me. Thank you for sharing it.

  16. Amazing robotic vaccum clearner ……… make my life so easy .
    It make my day easy and i fell cool to use this unique services
    thanks for this


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