Apple aims for 100% Recycled Cobalt in Batteries by 2025

By the year 2025, all batteries designed by Apple will be made with 100% recycled cobalt, and magnets in Apple devices will use 100% recycled rare earth elements.

Apple announced today via a press release that the company has significantly picked up speed on its aim to expand recycled materials across its products, which also includes a new target – by 2025, they will use 100% recycled cobalt in all Apple-designed batteries. Also in the same year, magnets within Apple devices will be using entirely recycled rare earth elements, and all Apple-designed printed circuit boards shall use 100% recycled gold plating and tin soldering.

It has only been a year since the company considerably expanded its use of key recycled materials, and it now sources more than 66% of all aluminum, almost 75% of all rare earths, and over 95% of all tungsten in Apple products from 100% recycled material. This swift progress in such a short time brings Apple nearer its aim to one day have all its products be equipped with only recycled and renewable materials, and it also advances the company’s ambitious 2030 goal to make each and every product they have to be carbon neutral.

Apple CEO Tim Cook said:

“Every day, Apple is innovating to make technology that enriches people’s lives, while protecting the planet we all share. From the recycled materials in our products, to the clean energy that powers our operations, our environmental work is integral to everything we make and to who we are. So we’ll keep pressing forward in the belief that great technology should be great for our users, and for the environment.”