Types of IDO Launchpads and Their Unique Features

Are you a developer with a groundbreaking cryptocurrency project, ready to take the next step towards its launch? Now you’re perhaps wondering how to raise funds to get the exposure you need for a successful launch. This is where Initial DEX Offerings come into play.

It’s easy to see why: IDO platforms have really gained traction as one of the most integral ways for crypto projects to raise funds. In simpler terms, IDO launchpads are the platforms where projects launch their tokens, capturing the attention of investors and supporters. 

But with the different IDO launchpads available today, it’s crucial to understand each of them to pick the ideal one and ensure a successful project launch. In this regard, we are here to help break down the types of IDO launchpads and their unique features, along with popular examples. 

Let’s begin exploring!

Types of IDO Launchpads

As the crypto industry continues to advance, we now have different types of IDO launchpads options, each categorized based on their unique structure and operational model. 

Let’s take a closer look at each of these IDO launchpads and the aspects that make them ideal for different project fundraising requirements.

Single DEX Launchpads

Single DEX launchpads operate on a single decentralized exchange (DEX). They focus on launching tokens on one specific blockchain network, providing a straightforward and streamlined process for both project teams and investors.

Unique Features

  • Simplified Process: The IDO process is managed by smart contracts on a single DEX, eliminating the need for central intermediaries and ensuring a quick and secure launch.
  • Token Launch Management: Single DEX launchpads handle all aspects of the token sale, including pricing, quantity, and distribution, making it easier for projects to launch without deep knowledge of the IDO process.
  • Liquidity Provision: These platforms ensure that launched tokens remain liquid by facilitating trading on the DEX post-IDO.


BSCPad is a prominent single DEX launchpad that offers a streamlined application process and tiered allocation system, ensuring fair participation and secure fundraising for projects.

Multi DEX Launchpads

Another one of the popular types of IDO launchpads are Multi DEX launchpads. Such launchpads allow cryptocurrency projects to launch their token on many decentralized exchanges simultaneously. 

Through this approach, projects will attain greater flexibility and access to a larger audience of investors more easily.

Unique Features

  • Wider Reach: Launching on multiple DEXs is an ideal way for projects to tap into various liquidity pools and investor bases. This, as a result, increases their visibility and investment opportunities.
  • Automated Smart Contracts: Such launchpads employ the use of smart contracts to verify project data and also in running the IDO process, thus securing it from fraud and making it transparent.
  • Liquidity Management: These launchpads permit the creation of liquidity pools on various DEXs, enhancing token liquidity and trading options available to the investor.


Uber serves as a prime example of a multi-DEX launchpad, effectively managing and distributing its app’s components across multiple DEX files. 

This system allows Uber to efficiently handle feature expansion and performance optimization, overcoming Android’s method limits while ensuring a smooth and responsive user experience.

Cross-Chain Launchpads

These types of launchpads enable projects to launch their tokens on multiple blockchain networks. With this interoperability, projects can explore seamless transactions and token sales across various chains.

Unique Features

  • Cross-Chain Compatibility: They allow interoperability between multiple blockchain networks, transferring assets and enabling liquidity.
  • Community Engagement: Usually such launchpads have community-driven governance and some sort of a staking model that allows for more democratic participation.
  • Token Launch Management: Cross-chain launchpads offer comprehensive solutions for managing token sales, including KYC/AML compliance, smart contract creation, and token distribution.


A popular example of cross-chain launchpads is TrustSwap; a popular platform that runs on Ethereum blockchain and integrates with several blockchain networks including like Binance Smart Chain, Avalanche, and Polkadot. 

This is ideal for project owners that want to do business on multiple blockchain networks.

Community Launchpads

Community launchpads are decentralized platforms that prioritize community involvement in project launches. These platforms enable collaboration between project teams and community members, fostering a more engaged and supportive environment.

Unique Features

  • Community Support: These launchpads offer tools for collaboration and communication, including project boards, chat rooms, and voting mechanisms.
  • Reputation Systems: These platforms implement reputation scores to encourage positive community participation and reward active members.
  • Incentive Systems: Community members are rewarded for their contributions to the project’s success through token rewards, airdrops, and staking.


DAO Maker Launchpad supports community-driven projects with a focus on reputation scores and incentive programs, ensuring active participation and support from community members.

Engage to Earn, Proof of Attention Launchpads

Engage to Earn launchpads utilize a unique model where community engagement directly translates into rewards. This approach revolutionizes how projects are launched and supported by emphasizing active participation and community involvement.

Unique Features

  • Proof of Attention Model: AdLunam allocates tokens based on community members’ engagement levels, including social media activity, content creation, and task completion.
  • Expert Advisory Services: AdLunam offers comprehensive advisory services, including marketing strategies, technical support, and tokenomics mentorship, ensuring project success.
  • Dynamic NFT Profiles: Investors receive dynamic NFT profiles that grant access to exclusive airdrops, token allocations, and community rewards, incentivizing ongoing engagement.
  • Community-Centric Approach: AdLunam emphasizes seamless collaboration between project developers and investors, ensuring that community interests remain central throughout the project lifecycle.
  • Early-Stage Deal Access: Engaged investors gain direct access to early-stage deals, democratizing investment opportunities and promoting a more inclusive investment environment.


AdLunam is a leading Engage to Earn launchpad that pioneers the Proof of Attention model, creating a vibrant and engaged community that supports project launches.

KYC/AML Token Launchpads

KYC/AML token launchpads implement Know Your Customer and Anti-Money Laundering processes in a manner phased in accordance with the set regulatory standards. 

These are basically platforms that have the principal aim of proving the identity of participants so as to eliminate illegal activities within them.

Unique Features

  • Investor Protection: Investor protection from frauds is assured by the KYC/AML process, thus providing a safe investment climate.
  • High Level of Security: These platforms include audits and vulnerability assessments to ensure both project and investor security.
  • Regulatory Compliance: These launchpads observe strict KYC/AML policies, ensuring that all their participants are verified and legit.
  • End-to-End Token Management: KYC/AML launchpads manage the whole process of token sales, from KYC verification to token distribution, in a clear and secure form.


Polkastarter is safe and compliant since it is a decentralized tool integrating KYC/AML processes.

Unique Features of IDO Launchpads

Different IDO platforms offer unique features that cater to various project needs and investor preferences. That said, some of the key IDO launchpads features that make choosing an IDO launchpad ideal for any crypto project’s launch include: 

Simplified Token Launch Management

IDO launchpads streamline the token launch process, handling everything from pricing and distribution to compliance and security. This allows project teams to focus on development and marketing.

Enhanced Security and Transparency

By utilizing smart contracts and decentralized technologies, IDO platforms ensure a secure and transparent fundraising process. This reduces the risk of fraud and enhances investor confidence.

Liquidity Provision and Management

Launchpads provide liquidity management services, ensuring that tokens remain tradable and liquid after the IDO. This benefits both projects and investors by maintaining a healthy trading environment.

Community Engagement and Incentives

Many IDO launchpads incorporate community engagement mechanisms, rewarding active participation with tokens and other incentives. This fosters a strong and supportive community around the project.

Access to Early-Stage Deals

Certain launchpads, such as AdLunam, offer engaged investors early access to promising Web3 projects. This democratizes investment opportunities and provides a more inclusive investment environment.

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

IDO launchpads often include KYC/AML verification processes to ensure compliance with regulatory standards. This protects both projects and investors by adhering to legal requirements.

Expert Advisory Services

Some launchpads provide expert advisory services, offering guidance on marketing strategies, technical development, and tokenomics. This support helps ensure the success of the projects launched on their platforms.

Summing Up!

IDO platforms are central to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, as they provide a platform for raising funds and other means of exposure for projects. However, it’s important to understand the different types of IDOs and their unique IDO Launchpads features to make informed decisions about which platform to use.

In the same way, whether it be Single DEX, Multi DEX, Cross-Chain, Community, KYC/AML, or Engage to Earn launchpad like AdLunam, each of them comes with different advantages most fitting to different project needs and investor preferences. 

So, once you understand your specific project fundraising needs, you can leverage the benefits of the right IDO launchpad, capitalizing on strong community support and a successful token launch.