8 most popular Python frameworks for web development in 2024 & beyond

Guido Van Rossum developed Python in 1989 as a general-purpose language. It is widely used in web app development, artificial intelligence (AI), data science, machine learning, scientific computing, etc. Python has remained a top choice for developers worldwide because of its readability, simplicity, and concise syntax. Its extensive community support makes it easy for entry-level programmers to learn and use. Python also offers a vast standard library that provides a wide range of functionality (databases, image editing, unit testing, expressions, and much more), enabling developers to do more with minimal coding.

Moreover, Python is extensible, offers cross-platform compatibility, and can run on numerous operating systems, making it a multifaceted software programming language. Furthermore, it is free and open-source, making it a highly cost-effective solution for web development company. This robust programming language continues to create buzz and remains the top choice for developers in the market, and the statistics below provide a glimpse of this.

Statistical facts about Python:-

In the progressive domain of web development, Python has upheld its position as one of the prime choices of developers worldwide. Python is the most widely adapted prime programming language in 2024, accounting for 28.11% of the market share, despite being around for almost three decades. Let’s take a look at some recent promising statistics related to Python:

– TIOBE Index (July 2024): Python currently holds the #1 spot according to the TIOBE Index, a popular ranking system for programming languages.

– Stack Overflow Developer Survey (2024): Python consistently ranks among the top 5 most used and loved backend languages by developers on Stack Overflow.

– PYPL Popularity List: Python consistently ranks among the top languages people learn worldwide.

These were some statistical facts related to Python. As we move on with this blog, we will explore different categories of Python frameworks. It will also cover the popular web development Python frameworks positioned to significantly influence 2024. In the end, it will help you make an informed decision on which Python development framework to choose for your specific project requirements. Read on to learn more!

Categories of Python frameworks

Python frameworks can be categorized into three main types:-

1. Full Stack Framework

A full-stack framework provides tools for developing both back-end and front-end components of web applications for a Python development company. This typically includes features for templating, database interaction, routing, authentication, and more.

2. Micro framework

Microframeworks are basic and lightweight frameworks focused on flexibility and simplicity. They provide crucial tools for building web applications without the challenges of a full-stack framework.

3. Asynchronous Framework

Asynchronous frameworks are created to facilitate the development of non-blocking and concurrent applications. A Web development company can utilize asynchronous programming paradigms to deal with multiple I/O operations simultaneously without blocking the execution flow. 

8 popular Python frameworks for web development

1. Flask

It is a flexible, lightweight Python web framework for developing web applications. It provides a templating engine and built-in routing system for real-time content and scalability through various plugins. Its ease of use and versatility enable developers to create small—to medium-sized web applications.

  • Flask is a flexible, lightweight WSGI framework. 
  • This Python-based framework is utilized to develop APIs and enables quick and efficient web application development. 
  • Its robust templating engine facilitates dynamic content generation and easy integration with HTML templates and other Python libraries.
  • Python Flask web framework also enables easy testing and debugging for Python development company by leveraging an in-built development server
  • It can be easily merged with the Google App Engine
  • It is Unicode-based and can be plugged into any Object Relational Mapping (ORM)

2. Django

Django is an advanced web framework that streamlines the application development process for web development company. Django has ready-to-use features like database connection, login system, CRUD operations, and stresses on DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself). 

  • It enables rapid development and also guarantees higher security
  • It promotes code reusability and maintainability with its Model View Template
  • To simplify the database interaction, it provides Object Relational Mapping
  • The built-in form handling in Django provides features like error handling and form validation for Python development company
  • Django encourages localization and internationalization, promoting the development of global applications
  • It also provides tools such as URL routing, database management, template rendering, and more to create exceptional applications that focus on stability and code reusability.

3. Pyramid

Pyramid is a popular open-source, full-stack framework that can work seamlessly with full-scale applications. It is a lightweight and adaptable Python web framework emphasizing simplicity and customization. It enables developers to build essential apps with its simplified approach. 

  • It offers compatibility with small as well as large applications
  • Pyramid offers minimalism and simplicity, enabling developers to add necessary components selectively
  • Pyramid leverages multiple templating engines, dividing presentation and application logic
  • Pyramid’s built-in features facilitate authorization and authentication to secure user access control
  • It supports Traversal and Routes

4. CherryPy

CherryPy is an open-source, minimalistic Python framework for rapidly developing stable applications. It operates seamlessly on major platforms like Linux, Unix, MacOS, and Windows. Running apps created using CherryPy doesn’t require an Apache server, and the framework also provides a mechanism for more hook points and extensions.

  • Flexible plugin system
  • Efficient configuration system
  • Built-in thread-pooled webserver of HTTP/1.1- compliant WSGI
  • Easy to run on multiple HTTP servers
  • Adaptable module framework

5. Tornado

Tornado is an asynchronous network library and an advanced Python web framework.

It is renowned for its capability to handle thousands of simultaneous connections with minimal latency. A Python development company leverages Tornado to build real-time, scalable applications and APIs. Tornado can develop applications due to its request handlers, templating engines, asynchronous I/O capabilities, and integration with existing applications.

  • Utilizes Asynchronous I/O for handling non-blocking operations and concurrent requests
  • Optimal choice for HTTP+ JSON administration
  • Eliminates the need for additional servers like Apache or Nginx as it offers a built-in web server
  • Offers templating engine to generate active web pages
  • A large and active community providing resources and support for developers

6. Bottle

Bottle is a simple, rapid, and lightweight WSGI web framework. Its small codebase makes it easy to use for a Python development company. Its single-file module makes integrating it with projects easy without complicating the process. Bottle offers built-in support for HTTP requests and routing handling, making it an excellent choice for small—to medium-sized web applications. It’s lightweight, user-friendly, and provides a minimalistic approach to web development.

  • It is lightweight, easy, and offers a minimalistic approach to web development company
  • It comes with built-in URL routing capabilities for simple request mapping
  • Efficiently handles HTTP requests and responses
  • Offers built-in user session management and plugin support for various functionality
  • Seamless integration with projects eliminates complicated setup process

7. Turbo Gears

TurboGears is an open-source, data-driven, full-stack web application framework for Python. It allows Python development company to develop scalable insight-driven web applications and requires minimal setup. It also allows individuals to start developing web applications with negligible setup. 

  • Supports a Model View Controller (MVC) architecture
  • Provides Object Relational Mapper (ORM) and Ajax for the server and program
  • Considerable community support and an extensive library
  • Allows seamless integration with the MochiKit JavaScript library
  • It comes with multi-database support

8. Web2Py

Web2Py is an open-source, full-stack development framework that supports all the other significant working frameworks. The framework allows web development company to develop, convey, alter, and manage web applications through Internet browsers. 

  • Handles web development process through web server, SQL database, and online interface
  • It comes with built-in segments to monitor HTTP demands, treats, responses, and sessions
  • Blocks common challenges such as Injection Flaws, Malicious File Execution, and Cross-Site Scripting
  • Provides features like error logging, ticketing, and tracking
  • Offers enhanced data security

Choosing the Right Python  Framework for Your Web Development

The Python development ecosystem 2024 offers a variety of frameworks to web development companies, each serving diverse project requirements and developers’ choices. The path to success in web development is opting for a framework that aligns with your project’s goals, scalability needs, and complexities.

Before making the final decision, analyze the project’s requirements, developers’ familiarity with these various frameworks, and your company’s long-term development goals. Remember major factors like scalability, speed, cost, ease of use, and community support for the framework. Through careful consideration, you’ll position yourself for success in web development in 2024 and beyond. 

Guest article written by:

Prathik, a senior content writer at Agile Infoways LLC and a former English literature student, seamlessly blends his passion for writing with trending technologies and crafts engaging content. He explores the intersection of innovation and human experience through his writing. His greatest dream is to make the target audience pause, smile & click!

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