On-Premise Call Center Software: Right for Your Business?

For call center organizations, the right telephone infrastructure is a powerful strategy for maintaining a business. They enable Communication as a Service or CaaS to maintain seamless interactions between the company and the customer. A company can pick between third-party and on-premise solutions when setting up a call center system.

In this blog, let us check out the pros and cons of on-premise call center system. This will help you decide if this type of infrastructure is ideal for your setup.

What is on-premise contact center software?

On-premise call center software solutions are onsite with the company premises. This means that the hardware and software needed for the call to function are located in one place on dedicated servers owned by the company. Your IT team will be responsible for the maintenance of these servers. They will also need to update them every few years. Your contact center providers will have to work onsite in an on-premise call center. This means that they have to use the company’s equipment and infrastructure. 

Here are some of its features: 

1) Control and customization: You will have full control over the call center. This allows for extensive customization to meet specific business needs. The call center system software also allows for a smooth integration with your operation systems.

2) Data privacy: The data is stored within the company’s servers. This means that on premise solutions offer better privacy and security. This helps to protect sensitive customer information.

The Pros and Cons of On-Premise Software:

Premise solutions are still widely used in call centers nowadays. Here are some of the reasons that highlight its benefits.

Pros of Call center software:

1) Maintenance and Control

Companies that use on-premise call center management software are mainly responsible for the maintenance. This means that you will have complete control over when and how you want the updates. However, you will have to maintain an in-house staff for this. Maintaining an in-house staff can be beneficial for many reasons. However, some companies may find it difficult to keep one. In this case, you can always seek the help of the provider.

2) Reliability

On-premise call center software always focuses on reliability when it comes to hardware and VoIP phones. These companies define that direct connection as the only reliable connection. On the other hand, a virtual hosted call center solution runs over the internet. This means that if your net connection is not strong, your call quality can suffer. So, if your business plans to use cloud-based software, you must ensure you have a reliable internet service provider.

Cons of Call center software

On-premise contact center software work for some companies. However, they do have some cons. Let us look at some of them.

1) No Flexibility

With on premise software, you need to install the hardware. You also need to ensure timely maintenance. This includes PBX, phones, and direct lines. This software can provide a sense of reliability. However, it is not a flexible solution. On the other hand, cloud-based hosted call center solutions offer the same functionality that an on-premise solution offers. But it is more scalable. You can contact your provider if you need to adjust your agents based on seasonality. The provider will then remove seats and lines as necessary without any onsite installation work.

2) Reduced Mobility

Your agents need to be onsite in order to be logged into the system if your business uses on premise call center software. This means that as a call center manager, you have to be physically present in order to monitor calls and check reports. You will need to check your company’s daily activities. A self-hosted contact center solution allows managers and agents to work from anywhere. It runs on the Internet. This means that you can log into the system anywhere with a reliable net connection. Your company can also recruit remote agents and save money on equipment and property costs.


3) Disaster Recovery

On-Premise based call center software offers higher levels of reliability. However, if any natural disaster strikes, like a flood or fire, your call center may experience outages. A web based call center software has a built-in disaster recovery mechanism. This is because it is hosted via the internet. As a result, you don’t have to worry about emergency cases and unforeseen circumstances affecting your phone service. Additionally, many call center providers provide multiple layers of backup. This can help to ensure that no single point of failure will affect your call entry. 

On-Premise vs Cloud-Based Call Center Software

1) Setup Price and Costs

Choosing between on-premise and cloud-based call center software means picking between advance or ongoing payments. The on-premise call center is expensive and requires you to get hardware and space. You also need to update the system every few years. A cloud hosted contact center has low setup costs. You can pay a monthly fee with a predictable amount.

2) Upkeep of The Software

The maintenance of a call center falls on your company’s IT staff. This can give you control over the functions. On the other hand, cloud hosted call centers are maintained by its service providers. It’s easy to make changes with little impact on costs or service levels. 

3) Security and Privacy

Onsite call centers provide a higher level of security. This is because a hacker would need to breach your servers in person. With cloud software call centers, the chances of getting hacked are higher. Nowadays, cloud hosted call center software has been upgraded with better security features that make it reliable. 

4) Customer Preference 

On-premise and cloud hosted contact center software provide diverse channels such as phone, email, and text messaging. However, on-premise will need your agents to move back and forth between different apps. On the other hand, cloud based contact center software simplifies interactions between all channels in one continuous conversation. 

To conclude

These were some of the pros and cons of on-premise contact center management software. This call center is one where all the infrastructure is in one location. It offers many advantages, like complete control and reliability. This means you can customize your call center. You also have a lower risk of getting hacked or breached.

However, with advantages come cons. Some of them are lack of flexibility and mobility. It means that your staff will have to be located in one place. You will also need to be present in person to check calls and reports. Another issue is disaster. Emergency cases, like power outages, can affect the functions of your call center.

To make the right choice, you need to keep in mind various factors like setup and maintenance. You also need to consider customer privacy and preference. The best type of call center software as a service will depend on your goals and financial priorities. Hence, you’ll want to consider these things closely when making a decision.