Sustainable E-commerce on Social Media: 7 Tips to Genuinely Convey Your Brand’s Advocacy

Source: Pexels

Today’s consumers demand more from the brands they support, with a growing focus on environmentally and socially responsible practices. In fact, Google searches for sustainable goods increased by 71% between 2016 and 2020.

That said, it is no surprise that brands lean toward sustainable business practices. They’re also transparent about it on many channels, including social media, given the over 5 billion users worldwide.

Are you an advocate of sustainability too? It’s worth sharing your efforts about them on social media. Read on to learn about sustainable e-commerce and how you can use online channels for this cause. 

Why E-commerce Businesses Should Embrace Sustainability

Embracing sustainability is good for the planet and your bottom line. Here are three reasons why.

  1. Meet consumer demand
    Today’s shoppers are increasingly eco-conscious. Many will pay 24% more for sustainable products and support brands with responsible practices. Hence, adopting sustainable practices can help you tap into this growing market segment and build customer loyalty. 
  2. Shape efficient operations
    Sustainability often goes hand-in-hand with operational efficiency. Focusing on reducing waste, using eco-friendly packaging, and optimizing shipping routes can all lead to cost savings. Additionally, sustainable practices can boost employee morale and attract top talent who value environmental responsibility. 
  3. Contribute to a bigger cause
    65% of consumers believe businesses have as much responsibility as governments do when driving positive social change. As you embrace sustainability, you acknowledge your company’s carbon footprint while contributing to a positive environmental and social impact.

A Close Look: Adidas

One brand dedicating its efforts and resources to sustainability is Adidas. Its approach tackles environmental and social issues with a focus on long-term impact.

Environmental responsibility: The brand aims to make 90% of its products from sustainable materials by 2025, focusing on recycled polyester and cotton. 

Climate action: Adidas plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions across its supply chain by 2050. With milestones for 2025 and 2030, it’s taking a phased approach to achieving climate neutrality.

Social responsibility: Adidas prioritizes fair labor practices across its supply chain and empowers its workforce to promote sustainability, fostering a culture of environmental and social well-being.

Transparency and collaboration: The brand engages with consumers on sustainability, building trust, and keeping them informed. Adidas also collaborates closely with suppliers to align everyone with its decarbonization and sustainability goals.

The Role of Social Media in Promoting Sustainable Business Practices

Social media isn’t just for marketing products anymore. They’re a powerful bullhorn for amplifying your message. 

  1. Build brand awareness
    You can showcase eco-friendly practices by posting engaging content on social media. Eye-catching images showing recycled materials, eco-friendly packaging, and fair sourcing help more people know about your dedication to sustainability. It also shows you’re leading a market that cares about the environment. 
  2. Engage patrons
    Unlike other digital channels, social media lets you engage with your customers actively. You can answer questions about your efforts, address concerns, and share success stories. This transparency fosters trust and cultivates brand loyalty among environmentally conscious consumers, directly impacting your bottom line. 
  3. Raise issues
    Did you know that your brand can have an influential voice? Social media can help you start conversations about sustainability issues. You can share educational content, collaborate with the right partners, and launch advocacy campaigns.

    These efforts allow you to raise awareness about certain causes and position you as a responsible business. 
  4. Establish industry position
    Despite the rise of eco-conscious consumerism, not all businesses pursue sustainability. That said, sharing your advocacies on social media can make you stand out and even help you become a leader in your industry. 

7 Tips to Convey Your Brand’s Sustainability Advocacy

There are many ways to use social media for e-commerce. However, you can also take advantage of it to share your causes. 

  1. Define your sustainability mission
    A clear mission statement is your North Star. Briefly explain your brand’s commitment to sustainability and the environmental or social impact you strive to make. This mission helps shape everything you say on social media and connects with people who care about improving the world. 
  2. Showcase sustainable practices
    Don’t be shy about your eco-friendly practices. Use compelling visuals and stories to highlight features like recycled materials, sustainable packaging, and ethical sourcing. Share behind-the-scenes glimpses of your efforts to minimize your carbon footprint or enact ethical business practices. 
  3. Participate in events for environmental causes and initiatives
    Align your business with causes you care about. Join relevant online or offline events like Earth Day clean-up drives or social media campaigns promoting sustainable practices. Your participation shows you’re part of the action and helps you reach more people who care about sustainability.
  4. Educate and engage your audience
    Sustainability isn’t a one-way street. It involves creating informative content that educates your audience about environmental issues and sustainable practices. You can ask questions, host polls, and address comments when launching social media campaigns. The goal is to foster a sense of community and position your brand as a trusted resource on sustainability.
  5. Partner with like-minded brands and influencers
    Work with fellow sustainable brands or eco-conscious influencers to amplify your message. You can co-host giveaways, create informative content together, or participate in joint social media campaigns.
  6. Measure and optimize sustainability efforts
    It’s not enough to share your causes online. Monitor key metrics like engagement on sustainability-related posts and website traffic from eco-conscious consumers. Check what resonates with your audience and adapt your strategy accordingly. This way, you can create more impactful efforts.
  7. Remain consistent
    Sustainability is a marathon, not a sprint. Regularly post about your efforts, even if it’s not every day. Consistent messaging builds brand recognition and reinforces your commitment to a greener, more livable future.

Be a Sustainability Champion

In today’s world, true responsibility extends beyond internal business operations. Consumers expect brands to prioritize the planet through responsible business practices—from product offerings and ethical labor to a sustainable supply chain. Sustainable e-commerce is the future, and social media is your megaphone to spread that message.  

Don’t wait to get started! Implement the tips above into your social media strategy and watch your brand transform into a champion for sustainability. The future of e-commerce is green, and you have the power to be a leader in the movement.

Guest article written by: Michelle Bilan is a Product Marketing Manager at RUSH Technologies – the go-to e-commerce services partner of every business in making digital easy, efficient, and effective in the Philippines.