Funny Commercials – Images

I’m sure you have seen one or two of those images already, but I received those in my e-mail and found most of them so funny that I just had to share them with you all…

I don’t know if they are photoshopped by some creative people or if they are actual commercials from the companies. What do you think/know?

Never the less, they include logos from companies such as:

  • Harley Davidson motorcycles
  • Niedermeyer
  • Whiskas
  • Energizer
  • Axe
  • Volvo
  • Pringles

Just click on the first image in the gallery below and you can “next” your way through them all (click the right side of the popped up image).

7 thoughts on “Funny Commercials – Images”

  1. The one with the guy eating Pringles and blowing fire is awesome. Why didnt I thin of something like that…?
    .-= Jason´s last blog ..I hate the ‘back to school’ time… =-.

  2. Pingback: Cool bytes from around the internet
  3. I liked the one about ‘Think big, but not that Big’. Made me think of a cool advert here is SA, a real good laugh.
    .-= George Serradinho´s last blog ..Thesis Tutorial – Thesis Previous & Next Link Tips =-.

  4. Pingback: Brigid Fitzgerald
  5. I thought the Pringles one was pretty funny. Also the volvo running down the reaper was good. Not sure I understood the girl sleeping on the piece of bread though.


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