This video was made by Honest and is a Grand Theft Auto (GTA)-style high speed car chase through the streets of New York, based on images from Google Earth satellite view.
Don’t forget to watch some of my other Friday Flick Find videos!
Have a great weekend!!
Oh Wow! That is so nicely done, brings back memories of the original Grand Theft Auto 😉
.-= Karen @ Blazing Minds´s last blog ..Getting The Best Out of FollowFriday on Twitter =-.
I do so miss the top down view. On the bright side, gta dlc coming up for ps3!
Really very nice video. Google has discovered the nice tool that is google earth.
.-= chandan´s last blog ..Advice and tips on work at home =-.
This reminds me of the stories I heard about people who post videos of themselves speeding or generally being silly in cars. Long story short, they get a visit from their local police force who use the video as evidence.
That is some serious work right there, that’s really bad ass. Trains, police, building getting crashed through… Sounds like a Saturday night around here. haha.
.-= Extreme John´s last blog ..A Day in the Life of.. Episode 5 [video] =-.