Here are some tips on how to find a good web host:
Don’t fully trust all comparison sites, if…
Comparison sites are great, except those who earns their money by referring customers to whatever product they’re comparing. If the comparison site offers you a coupon code or a “special link” to sign up with, then you can be fairly sure that the site is making money when you register with that web host. Now, there’s nothing wrong with that – affiliate businesses is a totally legit way of making money online.
The problem is, can you fully trust a website that makes money by making you a referral?
If the comparison site has user reviews or similar, be sure to study those as they might prove a more reliable source of information.
Make sure the web host has a “money back guarantee”
Ask yourself why the web host doesn’t want to offer a money back guarantee? I mean, if their product is as great as they say, why don’t they want to back that claim by saying “if you’re not happy, we’ll give you your money back”. A 14-30 days money back guarantee period is usually fine, that will give you a chance to look it over and get out of there if it runs poorly. Don’t always expect to get your setup fee back though, but that’s okay and to be expected.
Ask your friends, co-workers, bloggers etc.
Nowadays we have a tendency to google a company/product before we place an order. That’s great in most cases, but as with the comparison sites “trap”, you have to make sure that whatever blog you end up at, reading a web host review, is not an affiliate. If there’s an affiliate link, you cannot know for sure that you’re getting the whole truth. If it’s blog you’ve been following for a while and you trust it, or it’s generally a trustworthy blog or website, then go ahead.
Basically it’s always a good idea to ask around and learn from other users what they think about a web host (if they are customers there, that is).
Don’t be too cheap.
As most things in life, you get what you pay for. I know, I know, sometimes you get a bargain or stuff for free that really rocks. But when it comes to hosting your website, blog, online shop or whatever, do you really want to take a gamble on the quality of too cheap web hosting? There’s so much more to it than just “unlimited bandwidth” and other marketing jargon.
Consider the 4 S’s: Specifications, Stability, Security and Support. And not necessarily in that order.
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