The photo below is the top of the local parish church here in Naxxar, Malta. The chuch itself was built some 400 years ago and it’s a stunning looking church.
It would be interesting project to photograph all the churches in Malta, all 359 of them. That’s a project that might take a few years but it would be some accomplishment if I complete it 🙂

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Awesome Photography. It’s a very tricky and marvelous snap of the church.
old is gold, 400 year old church, and your are right having a stunning looks . there are lot more to discover
Amazing photo.
Very cool shot and post processing – as I assume the sky wasn’t that color.
No the sky was not black 🙂 It was blue so the B&W conversion made it look like this – I kinda liked it so I didn’t wanted to blow it out to make it look like a white sky.
Nice shot. I love the angle where photo is taken.
lovely, yeah cool processing, the black and white colors really highlighted the white tone in the center.