Tips for supervising kids’ social media

kids_social_mediaWhen we parents were young kids, things were way simpler. There was hardly an access to the internet. And somehow we were safe from most of the evils that are constantly prevailing around us nowadays. In the modern world, there’s no life without internet. It has almost become the basic need of every human being on this Earth.

Here are some useful tips to supervise kids regarding social media.

No Immature Facebooking

No one under the age of 13 is allowed to use Facebook.  Though there is no way that Facebook can implement this law as anyone joining Facebook can lie about their age. You should keep a check that your child does not get to use Facebook until he gets 13 years old.

Check Privacy Settings

Make sure that the privacy settings of your internet and Facebook are set very strictly. It depends on the browser you are using, you can change settings directly from the options tab and alter levels around cookies, third party sites and others.  This will not only protect the user of the computer but also the computer from virus threats.  Facebook privacy settings are handy to check as well.  Go to this link to learn about privacy policy and make any alterations you think is necessary.

Use Parental Control Softwares

You can purchase softwares that observe your child’s internet usage and many even enable you to check history and get aware of the time spent by your kid online.  There are some well-liked programs that let you keep a check on your kid’s activity on the computer.
You can also supervise your kid’s phone with the following software:

Set up ground rules

If your children are old enough to use computer on their own, then they should also understand that there are rules that need to be followed. The finest way for families to get agreed on ground rules is to create a contract that all parties must sign. The ‘Family Online Safety Institute’ (FOSI) supports parents and their children to have an open discussion about their ground rules.
It also provides a good example of a contract.

Be Well Aware of Your Child’s Habits

You don’t have to be a spy and keep a check on every move of your child on the internet. But it’s important that you are well known of the websites that are continuously in use by your kid and the people he is contacting with. And make sure that you have full access to his Facebook friends.

Keep the Computer in a High-Traffic Zone

It would be easier to keep your child away from the negative stuff on the internet if he uses the computer in a central location so every activity of his is out in the open.

Supervise the Pictures Your Child Posts Online

If your child wants to share photos with his friends through social media, make sure that you know which pictures are being shared. Also ensure that the content of the picture is entirely harmless.

Be A Good Model Of How to Use Social Media

If you are using social media, your child will follow your footsteps and do things as you do. So make sure that you set a good example for your kids so that the consequences are not dangerous.

Limit the Use of Mobile Phone

Set rules for your kids for using electronic devices. Only allow usage of cellular phone at fixed hours in the evening or after homework has been completed. If your teenager kids are of driving age, never let them use phones while driving.

Guest article written by: Brooke fill in as tech and parental control expert. She mostly writes about latest scoops of technology and reviews of monitoring apps. Find spy software for android at TheOneSpy blog.

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