Latest Event Technology: 5 Trends that are Revolutionizing In-person Events

2023 is the year of sustainability and technological integration. These two trends are popular even in the event industry’s ever-changing landscape.

Thanks to many technological advancements, in-person events as we know them are completely changed. The emergence of new event technology has brought benefits to everyone involved in the event planning business.

But before we go on into details about new in-person event tech trends, let’s see why event technology is so important.

Importance of event technology

Today, technology is part of almost every sphere of our lives. Everywhere we turn there’s some sort of technology making our everyday lives easier. So, it seems natural that technology would also end up in the event planning industry.

The latest, cutting-edge technology is important for in-person events for several reasons. 

In-person tech can enhance the overall event experience, boost engagement, cut down the planning time, and reduce human errors. It’s also convenient, flexible, and sustainable and allows personalization, monetization, and data sharing.

All in all, in-person event technology is important because it allows communication before, during, and after the events and networking.

Now that we know its importance, let’s see 5 tech trends that are revolutionizing in-person events.

Tech trends that are revolutionizing in-person events

1. AR and VR technology

Augmented Reality, as well as Virtual Reality, are both part of very popular immersive technology. This kind of tech can make your events very special. And that’s why they deserve the first spot on our list.

AR or VR can not only boost engagement in your events but it can also create brand awareness. This tech is bound to make you stand out from your competition. 

With the help of VR headsets during in-person events, you can showcase your products and services. And, at the same time, let the attendees be a part of your presentation. Allowing attendees to be inside videos and experience the virtual world will certainly draw attention. 

This type of in-person event technology will entertain attendees and make your event the talk of the town. And that’s precisely what events are for, to get people excited about your products and services.

2. Even gamification and engagement technology

Do you know what sort of events are the best? Those that provide fun and entertainment. Thankfully, today we have event gamification and engagement tech. If you want to make your event more engaging and entertaining, all you have to do is “gamify” it with different fun tech. 

Gamification can include various games or competitive elements such as photo booths, polls, digital quizzes, trivia games, etc. AR and VR are also technologies that can be used for gamification.

Australians have figured out how to make their events fun early on. They use different kinds of photo booths for their events. That’s one of the reasons why a photo booth hire in Sydney is a pretty popular trend for most event planning companies. 

Gamification and engagement technology is a complete success because it can boost attendee engagement and excite them about your product or service. 

3. Wearable technology

Wearable technology is yet another type of tech that has found its way into in-person event planning. Before, event planning agencies had to get in the way of the attendee experience to be able to gather event data. Today, thanks to wearable tech, that’s no longer necessary.

RFID bracelets, smart badges, or wristbands are different types of wearable tech. They are used to gather various information, track metrics, monitor staff, and measure engagement.

You can see how this type of technology can significantly improve in-person events. Moreover, by replacing regular paper event tickets with wearable technology, you can additionally monetize your events.

4. Contactless event registration

This brings us to contactless event registration. Standing in long lines, and waiting to get in has always been a huge downside of in-person events. Thankfully, with many technological advancements, this is no longer a problem.

With the help of contactless event registration, the lines are shorter and the overall experience is much better. 

And if you had any safety or health concerns, with contactless event check-ins you have nothing to worry about.

The event organizer will provide a self-check-in kiosk where the attendees will scan their QR codes. They can do this from their smartphones or printed event passes or IDs. Much quicker and safer than a traditional registration process.

5. Digital floorplans

Unclear floorplan and wrong directions can ruin the experience for attendees. In turn, this can seriously affect the success of in-person events. That’s why digital floorplans are a perfect tech solution.

The digital floor plan is an interactive map meant to show attendees where they are and where they need to go. Investing in this sort of technology can improve the overall experience and increase attendee engagement. 

With the help of digital floorplans tech, you won’t need to worry about attendees not finding the locations.

Wrapping up

The rapid technology development can be overwhelming. And keeping up with all the different in-person event tech trends isn’t easy. Plus, it can be expensive. 

However, if you want to offer great entertainment and engage your attendees, you’ll need to invest in some of these event technologies.

Guest article written by: Erin Lane is a creative writer and lifestyle blogger from Canberra, Australia. She is a hard-working, organized, dedicated professional interested in learning new things. With five years of experience in writing, Erin has covered numerous topics, including health, fashion, fitness, makeup, home improvement, decoration, business, and finances. Erin is an active person who enjoys nature and traveling.

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Twitter: @lane9104