Python frameworks you should know


Python has established itself as one of the most popular and versatile programming languages, used in a wide range of applications, from web development to data science. One of the key aspects of its popularity is the rich variety of Python frameworks available that can help developers speed up the development process and improve code quality.  

Below, we will explore some of the most important Python frameworks that every developer should know.

What are Python frameworks?

Before delving into the most prominent Python frameworks, it is essential to understand what they are and what varieties exist. A Python framework is a collection of modules and tools in this programming language that makes it easier for developers to create and develop applications. These frameworks are designed to offer a set of pre-built functionalities and basic structures, thus simplifying the development process.

In this way, Python frameworks become a powerful ally for programmers, as they provide pre-established schemes and design patterns. This allows developers to focus more on developing the unique, specific logic of their application, rather than spending time programming routine or complex tasks. 


Types of Python frameworks

In the Python ecosystem, we find a variety of frameworks designed to meet different needs and development styles. We will mention some of them:


Full-Stack Frameworks:

These frameworks offer a complete solution for web development. They provide all the tools necessary to build a web application, including database management, user interface templates, session management, and more. Django and Pyramid are prominent examples of full-stack frameworks, known for their robustness and rich feature set. 

Each type of Python framework has its own strengths and use cases, allowing developers to select the most suitable one based on their project’s specific requirements


These microframeworks are lighter and more flexible and are designed to give developers the freedom to choose their own tools and libraries for different tasks. They are ideal for small projects or when a high degree of customization is required. Flask and Bottle are some examples of microframeworks. 

Asynchronous Frameworks:

These frameworks are designed to handle multiple tasks and requests simultaneously, making them ideal for applications that require high performance and scalability, especially in network I/O environments. Examples of asynchronous frameworks are FastAPI and Tornado.

lBest Python Frameworks

1. Flask:

Flask is a Python microframework known for its simplicity and flexibility, ideal for small to medium-sized projects. Flask provides the essential tools to get started, allowing developers the freedom to integrate and choose additional components as needed.


CherryPy stands out in the world of Python frameworks for its minimalist approach and strong object-oriented (OOP). This framework is an excellent tool for building web applications, from the simplest to the most complex. Its core functionality focuses on efficient management of HTTP requests, providing a robust environment for back-end development. 

3. Django

Django is widely recognized as a comprehensive and robust web framework, designed to facilitate the rapid and efficient development of complex web applications. Its “batteries included” approach means it comes with a number of built-in features that are essential in most modern web applications.

4. FastAPI

FastAPI is a modern, high-performance web framework, designed specifically for creating backend APIs. Its popularity lies in its impressive performance, simplicity, and adoption of modern Python features. It is an excellent option for projects that seek speed in development without sacrificing efficiency. 

5. Pyramid

Pyramid stands out in the world of Python frameworks thanks to its versatility and ability to adapt to both small projects and large-scale web applications. Its extensible and flexible design makes it an ideal choice for developers looking for a framework that can grow with their needs.

6. Tornado

Tornado is an open source web framework and highly efficient networking library, designed specifically for Python. It stands out for its ability to handle a large number of open connections simultaneously, making it ideal for web applications that require real-time services, such as live data analysis, chatbots, and streaming applications.


PyQt represents one of the most popular and complete set of bindings for the cross-platform Qt application framework in the Python environment. Offering a unique combination of the power of Qt and the simplicity of Python, PyQt is a preferred choice for developing sophisticated, cross-platform desktop applications. It is available under two types of licenses: GPLv3 for open source projects and a commercial license for proprietary projects.

8. Kivy

Kivy is a highly versatile open source framework for developing mobile and desktop applications. It stands out for its ability to facilitate the creation of interactive applications, including games and multi-touch tools, on a variety of platforms.

9. Scikit-learn

Scikit-learn is an open source machine learning library, highly valued in both the technology industry and academia. It stands out for its accessibility and efficiency, offering a wide range of tools for common tasks in machine learning (ML). Additionally, it builds on top of other established libraries in the Python ecosystem, such as NumPy and SciPy, taking advantage of their capabilities for mathematical and scientific operations.

10. TensorFlow

TensorFlow is a comprehensive open source platform developed by Google, intended for building and training machine learning models, especially in the field of deep learning. It is recognized for its flexibility and ability to handle intensive computations, making it an indispensable tool for researchers and developers working on advanced AI projects


As we could see, in Python there is a framework for every type and style of project imaginable. The key is to explore their wide range and select the one that best aligns with the specific needs and objectives of your project. Whether you are planning a complex web application, a data analysis solution, or an interactive mobile application, there is a Python framework you can use. 

Glad you are reading this. I’m Yokesh Shankar, the COO at Sparkout Tech – custom software development services, one of the primary founders of a highly creative space. I’m more associated with digital transformation solutions for global issues. Nurturing in Fintech, Supply chain, AR VR solutions, Real estate, and other sectors vitalizing new-age technology, I see this space as a forum to share and seek information. Writing and reading give me more clarity about what I need.