The Concept of SEO

What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization or SEO is a measurable or repeatable process that is used to show signals to Google that your pages are worth showing in their index. Simply put, SEO is a way of letting Google know that you’re relevant to rank high in the search results.

How does SEO work?

Google uses a complex algorithm that decides if a website is relevant based on certain parameters. There are over a hundred parameters that Google uses to rank a website. Some of those parameters include content quality, backlink presence, authority, etc. Content Quality is essentially the content on a website – whether it is informative, valuable, and interesting to Google searchers. This makes a website get identified as a useful site that would benefit users. Backlink presence involves the widespread distribution of backlinks (links that redirect users to your website) across highly authoritative websites. This makes a website get identified as a trustworthy site. So if big news websites publish an article with a link to a website, Google sees this as someone authoritative thereby allowing the website to gain trust. A website builds authority by gaining a fan base. The more people like what is being offered, the more they are going to want to share and thereby spread links organically, giving Google a signal that the website is important and highly authoritative.

How can a company benefit from SEO?

If a company incorporates SEO in its digital marketing strategy, the higher Google will rank them in its search results. This can result in significant traffic increase, that would generate revenue and a valuable identity. SEO provides trackable and quantifiable results, which allows a company to track nearly every aspect of their strategy, like increases in rankings, traffic, and conversions. A comprehensive analytical activity can provide analytics at a granular level that can provide engagement metrics for users who have interacted with your website. One of the greatest benefits of SEO is the ROI. There is not a lot that you need to invest in order carry forward SEO activities.

This is one of the most cost-effective marketing strategies because it targets active users, resulting in cost-savings for companies. SEO rearranged the site’s architecture and links to make it easier not only for search engines to crawl and find pages but also for users to find information on the website as well. Brand awareness is also created on account of the significant impressions that the website would make when ranked to the top position. This allows users to see the content and associated with the brand.

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