Several elements can cause laptops to take a greater toll on the environment than desktop computers. Especially since the laptop computers with small power consumption has convinced many that laptops are “greener”, compared to desktop computers.
But looking at the total impact on the environment, it’s not so certain that a laptop is actually greener than a desktop, according to
Steen Green Beck, product and marketing manager from Fujitsu Denmark, has done some calculations and says: “There is, for example, less room for cooling in a laptop, meaning that more chemicals and flame retardants are used in laptops. Also the old LCD panels used to be used in laptops, was difficult to recycle.”
However, there’s still an obvious environmental benefit of a laptop, if it means that an employee both can use it in the office and at home, thereby reducing the total number of computers.
A few of the downsides are the fact that laptops are usually replaced more quickly and often difficult to recycle the materials used in them. Also if the laptop is actually used as a desktop, with a connected external monitor, keyboard, mouse and maybe even an external hard drive, it’s total power consumption may very well be equivalent to a desktop PC.
I just got myself a laptop. I never normally needed one because I love my Desktop and a Laptop is not really “upgrade-able”
.-= Michael Aulia´s last blog ..How to backup Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Opera, and IE with FavBackup =-.
I agree with you Michael. Within 5 year, I’ve already use 3 laptop and still with 1 desktop.
.-= steppinout´s last blog ..Thesis – The Way I Customize My 404 Page =-.
My last desktop I got in 2003 or so and upgraded it whenever necessary until I sold it in 2006. Since then I’ve only used laptops (Mac’s, actually) and I’m currently on my 4th Mac since 2006 (at one time I had two, though).
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Do You Digg Your Own Articles? To Digg Or Not To Digg… =-.
Klaus, interesting perspective that is somewhat counter intuitive initially, but it does make a lot of sense. Especially if you end up connecting a keyboard, mouse, monitor, docking station, etc. to the laptop. Perhaps netbook computers are the real Green option?
.-= Mike @ HTStechtips´s last blog ..Microsoft Windows 7 Release Insights =-.
I’m sure netbooks are greener than regular notebooks, but there’s also less “power” in them, hardware-wise
So it’s probably up to each one’s needs, which computer to go for and if it really matter that much in the Green finances.
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Why “Comment Reply Notification” Is A Must Have Plugin For Your Blog – Otherwise… =-.
Personally, I feel that Desktop is better than Laptop. A Pc consumes more energy and this effect is obvious during the whole usage period. In the other hand, a laptop’ hardware may fail, but seldom. Thanks for sharing this info..