Justine Ezarik, more commonly known as iJustine, is an Internet evangelist, blogger and self-proclaimed technology addict. You might have seen some of her videos on YouTube or other video sharing sites, as she has more than 75 million views online.
This is the first time I feature one of iJustine’s videos in Friday Flick Find – not because they’re bad, but being interested in video and video-editing myself, I found this one to be particular interesting and wanted to share it with you all.
Also I’d like to thumbs up her courage for shooting videos like that out in the streets all by herself, dancing like crazy, while people are watching her as if she was a street artist. Impressive.
You can find a list of all the equipment she’s using to produce videos at her site and the final video (the one we see her shooting in the video below), can be found at the Nikon Festival.
Don’t forget retweet this post if you agree that she has courage when filming out in the public like that 🙂 Just click the retweet button a little futher down (it’s free!):
Thanks for the kind words! So funny.. haven’t seen that picture with the camera on my head in so long! Ooooh memories. Good thing for the internet!
.-= Justine´s last blog ..How to make a video =-.
Hi Justine – thanks for visiting and taking your time to comment!
It’s a great picture, isn’t it? I knew that was “the one” when I first saw it, as it fits perfectly for the theme of this post: showing a video of you making a video on how to make video!
Keep up the great work with the videos and I’m sure you’ll be featured in my Friday Flick Find again soon 🙂
(Whoa, lots of “video” in this comment…)
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..New Cookie Law Will Require User Consent Before Placing Cookies =-.
I always laugh at the iJustine videos just spent the last half hour on your site watching the video than checked her site out to see what was new.
.-= Extreme John´s last blog ..Custom MMA Art by Sang =-.
When it comes to making “internet video” like that, she has got to be the idol of many 🙂 I’m still amazed that she’s able to dance like that out in the public. Incredible.
iJustine is very cute as well as smart. Her videos on YouTube will take her far and really enjoy her enthusiastic attitude in all she does, including the website. I just retweeted this one. Thanks for sharing it.
.-= Steve´s last blog ..KeywordSpy Review – Spy on Your Competitors =-.
Hi Steve – thank’s a bunch for the retweet, appreciate it 🙂
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Facebook Coming To A PlayStation 3 Near You =-.
Dear Klaus,
It was my first time bumping into iJustine last night, thanks to you. I watched the video and it was very interesting and useful at the same time for those seeking to express themselfs in such a way. I found it most useful for beginners starting out in the video/camcording business. I wonder if it is used in such a way?
.-= Ana´s last blog ..Human Reminder =-.
Hi again Ana 🙂
Sorry if I’m misunderstanding, what exactly do you mean by “I wonder if it is used in such a way?”?
Do you mean if her video is used for beginners starting out in the home-video business?
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..iPhone Free Week: Introduction To A Week With HTC Tattoo (Android) =-.
Hey Klaus,
Sorry if that question was not clear to the previous comment, but yes that is what I meant, whether Justines’ video was in anway used to help beginners starting out in the home-video business.
.-= Ana´s last blog ..Human Reminder =-.
I think the answer is “yes and no”, so that’s quite an easy question 😀
Mostly iJustine just creates a ton of different video. Videos where she just sits and talks, videos where she dances in Apple stores (!) and then videos like this one where it goes behind the scenes so her fans (and beginners) can see how little it actually takes to create videos.
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..iPhone Free Week: Introduction To A Week With HTC Tattoo (Android) =-.