Here are few tips that would help you plan a fabulous Christmas without having to max out your budget:
1) Prepare a name list for gifts in Christmas
You can avoid reckless expenses with a proper planning for Christmas gifts as that is one of the essential parts of this occasion. If you are thinking of giving gifts to your loved ones then prepare a list of names of these people. A systematic approach helps to restrict your careless spending as well as gives you an idea of your expected expenses. If your expenditure exceeds your income then you can redesign your budget plan according to your convenience.
2) Calculate the expenses
You can control your over expenditure if you plan the amount to spend for this Christmas. Calculate the amount you want to spend as that would help to save some cash by the time Christmas approaches. You can avoid exhausting your credit limit as your expenditure would be under control.
3) Low budget Christmas
Restricting your spending would help to overcome your financial hardship. For this Christmas plan some thing within your budget. Make some hand made products that can be used as gifts for your loved ones. This gift would be a token of love and adulation for them. Some home made cookies or chocolate pastries can be some useful Christmas gift item that would be affordable to your pocket. Your gift would be wrapped with warmth and love that would be a priceless possession for them.
4) A frugal Christmas dinner
A critical evaluation of your spending would help you to organize a splendid Christmas dinner. Decide the number of guest you are planning to invite therefore the menu would be in accordance with it. In order to avoid wastage in food try to keep it a three course meal. Your dinner begins with a starter along with wine that leads to a simple dinner and ending with dessert. You can have a frugal Christmas by getting the ingredients at a whole sale rate therefore you can save some cash without compromising on fun.
Liberate yourself from the burden of debt that would be an ideal gift for your family in order to make it a perfect Christmas. Merry Christmas!
This guest post was written by a TechPatio reader.
Nice tips. With Christmas round the corner it is time to save money. 🙂
“save money” and Christmas really don’t go together. But you could try to spend less.
I’ve tried to do almost all my shopping this year online, saving tax, shipping and ultra-irritating MALL time.
Shipments have been coming in almost daily lately. Now I need to find someone to wrap them.
These are some really great tips! I always start making a Christmas list of people to but for and a limit of how much to spend. This gives me a little leeway when it comes to just buying something without being prepared of how much I can spend. I never use credit cards at Christmas time, either. Too much fraud and then months of paying it off! I like to just build up my saving account, then use checks or just cash! Layaway is great also! Thanks for the great advise!
Just spend spend spend please… if you don’t we stay stuck in this disheartening recession. Tis the season to be jolly so treat your friends and family and live like there is no tomorrow. We only live once ! 🙂
The season is already looking up for the stores. I have spent quite a bit already, and like Rob, I haven’t left the house to shop. I have a son, and it is the first Christmas he is aware of what is going on, so I am totally excited too.
A good thing to do, even though it is too late this year, is start a Christmas club account. If you put a bit in every payday, by this time next year, you will have a nice amount to spend without having to use the cards.
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