To be honest, 24/7 Photo Buffet doesn’t contain anything you couldn’t find online for free – what you’re paying for in this app is tips, videos and photos from Rick Sammon and having tons of great content available at your fingertips, making it much easier for you to learn instead of having to go and search for free content.
Who is Rick Sammon?
Rick is not just anybody. He’s a well-known photographer and instructor at Kelby Training where he teaches several online classes on various Canon DSLR cameras, Digital SLR Basics, Exploring Digital Photography, Photoshop, etc. He has also written 36 paper books, he has iPhone apps, iPad apps, podcasts and is on Twitter (@ricksammon) as well.When Rick speaks, us wannabe-photographers listen 🙂
24/7 Photo Buffet has icons at the bottoms, covering the following areas: Seeing, Making, Editing, Tips, Help and Notes.
In “Seeing”, you have categories such as People, Composition, Framing and Backlighting. The other areas obviously has categories related to them as well.

For example, under Seeing – Framing, there’s a tip called “Go for a walk”. Here Rick Sammon will explain why it’s important to walk around your subject and take several pictures instead of just settling with a few pictures from the same angle and point of view. He also shows some photo examples to prove a point.
Some of the tips also has a video where Rick Sammon explains or shows how to do certain things. Unfortunately only about 15% of all the tips has a video, the rest of them is either text or photo based. It’s a shame cause Rick does make some nice and interesting videos, but I still think the app is worthwhile and is very likely to teach you stuff you didn’t already know – or might have forgotten about.
Unless you’re already a professional photographer, I’d recommend you check out Rick Sammon’s 24/7 Photo Buffet app. I’ve enjoyed using it!
Thanks for passing this along, I hadn’t seen anything about it yet. I love photography so I definitely will be checking this out. Too bad they don’t make a Droid compatible version or I would jump right over.