The 1 Mbit/s connection is not directly to each home though, but the law states that there must be no further than 2 km (3.2 miles) from each home to the 1 Mbit/s connection. The law also states that the 1 Mbit connection should be upgraded to 100 Mbit/s downstream by the end of 2015. Again, the 100 Mbit doesn’t go straight to the house, each owner is likely to pay in order to get connected.
Residents of Switzerland also have something similar, they guarantee you a 600 Kbit/s downstream and 100 Kbit/s upstream. In Australia they have “Australian Broadband Guarantee”, which guarantees 512 Kbit/s downstream and 128 Kbit/s downstream for no more than around $50 a month.
I wish that made that rule apply to all the world! Hehe and in 5 years uptill 2015. Will not in my part of the world though π
Laws can only go as far as making guarantees. It can guarantee that no one should be denied service, but everyone still needs to pay. I would say it would become a true human right if it is offered free. π Will there ever be a country that can do that?