1) Simplicity and minimalism: For the design of your blog opt for minimalism and simplicity, do not overload your blog with thousands of buttons and text, leaving spaces to create a legible space where you can see and read content with clarity and harmony. Therefore, be clear when designing your blog and be clear about the design what you want.
2) Letters legible: Use a readable font and clearer than is the right size to read the texts does not pose any extra effort for your readers and not have to strain your eyes. And please be careful with colors.
3) Colors legible do not harm to the eye: Both texts as in the header and in general, all elements of your blog, many people choose colors too bright which makes the blog unreadable and even makes us dizzy to read. We recommend using these bright colors on very specific things you want to highlight, but otherwise I recommend you opt for white, black and another color to identify with your blog. Other colors abound.
4) Simple and uncluttered Header: When you are designing graphics for your blog, note that what matters is the content, what goals in the graph is presented with which the user is going to relate so it must be clear and should read and seen clearly. I insist on clear designs that you choose and not misleading, overburden with resources and be careful while choosing graphic textures. Design your head with one photo or illustration and the name of your blog, but do not overload with textures and colorful letters.
Any advice more for beginners in the study design blogger?
Guest article written by: Hi, I am Greg, a freelancer who has a lot of experience in the field of SEO and Content Writing. Presently I am working on a technology Blog relates to Android Updates, Apps, Tips and Tricks. You can also find How to Root Android phones.
Nice tips, Keep your blog simple and should be easily navigational. Use attractive but relevant images related to your particular post.
effective tips for designing a better blog. Put Social button on sidebars it will look more better .
I prefer minimal design so that blog pages loads fast on slow internet connection and mobile devices. Google considers page load speed in ranking so we should optimize the blog design carefully.
Creativity is the main factor in any kind of designing. Designer must be aware of what is visitors attractions or what their views or what they like in design. Simplicity of the design also the another crucial part of designing the blog.
I agree strongly with these guidelines of how to design your blog.
If the outlook of a blog is just all round messy, I won’t feel comfortable reading it either! Poison green font colour on light pink background is just waiting for an epileptic fit to happen! Reading text like that will make my head throb and eyes ache. Keeping the blog simple and adding relevant pics makes it look so much more intresting!
I totaly agree with ur tips.The colours should be different but not sharper.Thnks for posting this.Nice. Gud job.
Totally agreed with them. Color combination is important while selecting or creating a theme
Lustige Kommentare…Das klares Design und eine sinnvolle Gestaltung des Inhalts weiterhilft, sollt eigentlich jedem einleuchten. Da ist of weniger mehr. Die Aufmerksamkeisspanne der Leser sinkt immer weiter. Da ist es wichtig, dem Besucher so schnell wie möglich mitzugeben, worum sich der Beitrag dreht. Danach kommt Inhalt, der fesselt und sauber geschrieben ist.
Design of the blog should simple but interactive otherwise it will become hard to get readers for the blog. Clear readability of the fonts also play most important role in the blog design.