How AI Solutions Impact Design Strategies and Processes

Demystifying AI in Graphic Design: AI in graphic design represents a paradigm shift, redefining the boundaries of creativity and innovation. Unlike its portrayal in science fiction, AI here serves as a powerful tool in the hands of designers, augmenting their capabilities rather than replacing them. At its core, AI encompasses a diverse array of technologies, … Read more →

How to Design With Accessibility In Mind

Accessibility in design involves creating digital content that individuals with visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor disabilities can use. Neglecting accessibility poses legal liabilities for businesses and means missing out on potential customers. This blog post provides insights on how businesses can prioritize accessibility and inclusion when designing their digital content. It covers topics such as … Read more →

The Ultimate Guide To UI/UX Design

The practice of designing digital products with a user-first approach based on user interface/user experience design is called UI/UX. A common misconception is that UI and UX are interchangeable and only one discipline, But this is not entirely correct. They are a distinct discipline that mainly focuses on different aspects of a user’s interaction with a … Read more →

Why Investing in Interactive Design is Becoming Unavoidable for Businesses

The global UI and UX market is expected to generate over $180 billion in the next five years. The boom has come on the back of numerous businesses investing heavily in interactive and responsive website design.  However, some businesses are skeptical about the popularity of interactive website designs. For such businesses, retaining customers online may … Read more →

Essential Elements of Website UI Design

In contrast to user experience (UX), user interface (UI) is concerned with the overall design and aesthetics of a website. Even though they are two independent entities, these two aspects often operate together and overlap. UI design is creating a product’s visual appearance while ensuring that it functions properly. A website, app, or system’s general … Read more →

Basic Web Design Principles to make Your Websites Pop

  Are you planning to design a contemporary website for your startup or business and want to know the basic fundamental principles of web designing? Well, then you’ve clicked to the right spot. This blog is all about the details of how to make a top-notch website through the fundamental principles of web designing. So … Read more →

Six Leading UI Design Trends To Follow In 2022

We are living in the midst of exciting times. Drones are delivering packages, robots are welcoming visitors at stores and cars are driving themselves. While technological advancements open amazing new possibilities for humans, they also bring to life brand-new problems that need to be solved. With so many technological advances occurring simultaneously, it’s difficult to … Read more →

Why is Instructional Design Needed for Good eLearning?

Introduction How do you ensure that the designed course is effective?  How do you ensure that the course will meet the learning goals?  How do you ensure that the course includes all the components for a successful learning experience?   How do you ensure that the course is engaging enough to keep the interest of the … Read more →

Perfecting Email Marketing: Mail Merge Options, Design Principles, and More

Photo by Canva With email marketing currently being the best way to reach your target market, polishing your writing and design skills can boost your open rate and skyrocket your conversions. Whether you’re cold emailing to get sales leads or are writing a newsletter to previous customers, these principles are applicable in any form of … Read more →

Basic Guide To Building Your Own Website

Nowadays, building a website is essential for every sole entrepreneur, freelancer, business, organization, and the like. It’s a platform through which you’ll reach your target audience or market from anywhere in the world. Through a professionally built website, you’ll be able to present yourself or your business as a trusted and reputable professional/brand in the … Read more →

Differences Between Graphic Design and Illustration

Graphic design and illustration tend to be used interchangeably. But the belief that both graphic design and illustration mean the same thing is a misguided notion. While the two belong to the creative field, graphic design is viewed more like a commercial art. Many viewers consider illustration more as fine art. The thing that distinguishes … Read more →