Falsehoods Related to Single Sign-On
When companies are thinking about making a change to their computer systems they are usually attempting to make things easier for employees. Technology updates and new systems can seem daunting at first. They are often misunderstood, however. Many people prefer to wait until the hype has settle down and a new concept has been tried out more, before trying it themselves. Single sign-on has been avoided by many companies due the following falsehoods. A little misunderstanding can go a long way towards discouraging usage. The truth needs to come out.
Impossibility of Cloud Usage
Single Sign-on implementation is often thought to be only for use as a software on desktop computers. The popularity of mobile phones, tablets, and laptops has made people unwilling to accept a program that cannot be used from anything, and from anywhere. The only limitations are those chosen by the business that sets up the program and uses a certain type of single sign-on program. Cloud use is completely possible and most users are free to connect to the system through their mobile device. Convenience is a key component of desirability in most applications today. Any concern of cloud absence should be put to rest for single sign-on.
Greater Security Needed
The use of one password for several platforms makes many question the ability of traditional security measures. After all, if this one password is hacked, then many applications can be accessed. Like any situation where passwords are used. There must be attention paid to the complexity of the password. Faulty security measures should not be to blame for those that use common, and easy to guess passwords. While the one password does allow access to multiple accounts, it also relieves individuals of having to remember large numbers of passwords. When many passwords are necessary, there is a greater likelihood of them being written down or set as “remember me” on the computer. This gives other people a greater chance of access.
Complex and Long Execution
Many people think that the number of users involved in single sign-on projects are too extreme to allow for efficient implementation. This change is thought to be complicated, not only in its installation, but also because everyone involved has to be trained in how to use the new system. The detailed security process raises questions of how passwords may be changed when an issues arises, as well. If only one authentication is used across many platforms, the security measures involved may take time to get through. This is simply not the case. The benefits in the long-run outweigh any tedious beginnings. There are, however, much less delays than people are led to believe.
When new possibilities become available, there is often a bit of apprehension. This has been the case with single sign-on opportunities. The comfort level of new users is sure to rise as more people have success with it, and spread the word. Falsehoods should be cleared, however, to help this convenient system become a normal part of time-saving business strategies.