Childcare software for preschools, daycare centers, and other similar organizations have been designed to provide a quality learning experience for kids and parents, while enabling childcare professionals to be more efficient when delivering their services. Given the importance of using such software, the following are some reasons why childcare professionals and daycare centers can benefit by using technology to streamline early education programs.
Helps Build Trust in a Service
Some parents find it difficult to send their children off to pre-schools or daycare centers due to various concerns. Having a childcare management system in place ensures that parents can have peace of mind knowing that their children are in good hands. With a management in place, childcare professionals can share updates on their activities with parents.
This information can be shared with the help of photos or video and can be accessed from any handheld device. In this way, using a childcare management system allows parents to ensure their children are safe while allowing pre-schools, daycare centers and other similar services to build trust with parents.
Attendance Tracking
For a pre-school or daycare center, knowing the Full Time Equivalent utilization is key to the success of their business. Having a childcare management system in place ensures that pre-school and daycare centers can keep track of the usage of their classrooms and the free slots that are available. Since maintaining a paper log of the children’s attendance is an old-school approach that’s not very accurate, a childcare management system ensures that you can accurately track the attendance, check-in and check-out of each of the children that are in the pre-school or daycare center.
Furthermore, by allowing parents to log into the system whenever they drop-off or pick-up their child enables facilities to record patterns, allowing them to provide a better service quality. For larger institutions, having a childcare management system in place can help track FTE and capacity trends over different classrooms and dates.
Get a Better Understanding on Child Development
Having a childcare management system in place is by far, the best way to ensure that each child’s progress is tracked accurately. This includes recording observations and milestones of the children in real time to further improve their development. Rather than having to keep paper logs and notepads that can easily get lost or misplaced, a childcare management software allows childcare professionals to record and share information with parents in real time, which is then stored securely on the cloud.
This makes it easier for parents who cannot spend time with their children to view photos and videos of their child’s educational and extracurricular activities remotely. This makes a childcare management system or application worth the investment in increasing the productivity of a preschool or childcare center and ensuring that parents never miss out on the major milestones of their children.
Significant Cost Savings
Needless to say, using a childcare management system also offers a cost savings advantage. A childcare management system is ideal for large preschools, daycare centers or other similar institutions where the staff have to spend a lot of time with recording attendance and data entry. Having a childcare management system in place allows facilities to automate the entire process, which includes recording attendance, record-keeping and financial management.
Avoid Loss of Revenue
With a financial management system, preschools and daycare centers can keep track of their payments and amount receivables and send monthly bills and instant notifications to parents. The ability to automate the entire process makes a childcare management system the idea choice for institutions that are dealing with a large volume of children and need a way to accurately track the financial information of each child, without having to waste time in the process. Using a paperless system also offers cost savings in terms of the amount of paper that is used by an organization.
With the help of a direct billing system, daycare centers and preschools can get paid via money transfer directly from the parent’s checking accounts. This is both a fast and easy process that takes away the hassle of having to cash cheques or having to go to the bank. Besides, cash is not something that many preschool or daycare owners want in their institution. Keeping that in mind, with a reliable and efficient childcare management system in place, institutions can automate their payments and maximize cash flow by making it easier for parents to make their monthly payments.
Offer an Extra Layer of Security for Parents
In many ways, this benefit ties in with our first point. As in, having a childcare management system or childcare app in place means parents can rest assured that their children are going to be kept safe while away from home. The childcare systems that are offered today come with many security features which include bio-metrics and fingerprint scanners.
The inclusion of these high-level security systems makes sure that the institution knows exactly who is entering and exiting their facility. More importantly, with a childcare management system in place, preschools and daycare centers can keep track of who is dropping off and picking up a child. The high level of security that a childcare management system provides preschools, daycare centers and other similar facilities makes it an indispensable tool to ensure better productivity, security, and cost-savings.
Guest article written by: Samantha is technology blogger with a keen interest in reviewing the latest technology products, especially those relating to childcare software and other similar technologies. Samantha loves to travel and find out new things about different technologies and how they impact businesses across various industries.