Least Known Facts about the Types of Atomic Spectroscopy

Refers to several analytic techniques used to determine the elemental composition of a sample by observing its mass or electromagnetic spectrum. The sample can be either liquid, solid, or gas. The different variations include absorption, fluorescence, emission, and mass spectroscopy. Determining the appropriate technique to be used requires an ultimate understanding of each. 

Atomic Spectroscopy includes; atomic absorption spectroscopy, atomic fluorescence spectroscopy, atomic emission spectroscopy, organic mass spectroscopy, and X-ray fluorescence. Most companies have employed some methods to; find traces of materials used in pharmaceutical industries, study multidimensional elements, or identify the spectral lines of materials used in metallurgy. Below are the types of spectroscopy that you should know about.

Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

There should be an identical difference in energy between the higher and the lower energy levels for absorption. The principle applied is that the free electrons generated in an atomizer can absorb radiation at a specific frequency. The amount of light absorbed after passing through the flame determines the analyte amount present in the study, this is the least idea that most people always forget about.

Atomic Emission Spectroscopy

The method uses atoms that are excited from a flame’s heat to emit light. The analysis is done using a high-resolution polychromator to produce an emission intensity versus a wavelength spectrum that simultaneously detects multiple elements. 

Atomic Fluorescence Spectroscopy

It is a combination of atomic absorption and atomic emission since it involves the radiation of both de-excitation and excitation and hence it’s also very essential.

X-Ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy

The x-rays of sufficient energy are used to excite the inner shell electrons in the sample’s atoms. As a result, the particles move to outer orbitals and later down into the vacated inner shells. A specific atom generates specific absorption or emission energies, while a superior chemical bonding causes a small energy variation. The x-ray frequencies can be measured. X-ray emission and absorption spectroscopy are used to determine the chemical bonding and composition of the element.

Spark or Arc Spectroscopy

It is a type of emission spectroscopy that analyzes concrete, metallic elements, or non-metallic samples, which are made conductive using graphite powder. An electrical spark is passed through to produce heat that will excite the atoms. The emitted light has a characteristic wavelength detected by a monochromator. As of today, the analysis is both qualitative and quantitative. 

Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

A form of organic mass spectroscopy. It analyses organic compounds by exploiting specific atomic nuclei’s magnetic properties to determine the molecular composition and individual properties. This method provides information about the dynamics, structure, and chemical composition of the atom.


The analyte is usually in a solution form, converted to a free gaseous state through atomization—often indicated for metallic element analytes at shallow concentration ranges.

Atomic Spectroscopy techniques have provided an accurate, rapid, and compassionate means of determining element concentrations. By selecting the appropriate analytical method, environmental scientists can monitor metal contamination in soil and water, and pharmaceutical industries can decide on metalloids and metals in drug products.

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