Agile Methodology for App Development

What is agile methodology?

For particular software and development projects, agile methodology is often used. Agile is an iterative approach that focuses on developing one feature at a time.

Each segment is constructed methodically, and the customer needs to approve each component before starting a new development process for the next one. In Agile, the whole project time is divided into Sprints. In each Sprint, a mini-project goes through a Systems Development Life Cycle or an SDLC

SDLC is planning, creating, testing, and deploying an information system in a Sprint. With this approach, the development team follows a schedule, and the customer review and proof every step of development.

This methodology is the practice based on several elements and principles such as: 

Rapid customer feedback:

The backbone and the purpose of agile methodology is rapid customer feedback. With instantaneous customer feedback, the customers’ values and needs enter the development process and lead to a better product. 

Parallelism of end-user and stakeholder:

The parallelism of customer feedback and stakeholder ideas for the final product keeps the development in high speed.

Inspection and adaptation: 

In this methodology, the development team keeps inspecting and understanding the customer feedback and supports the changing stages. Also, they analyze the problems that come up in different stages of development and adapt the process.

Outside marketing: 

The agile methodology keeps the customer in power; it also spreads the word out for customers and keeps them heard.

Lean start-up mindset:

 Agile is the core of the lean start-up mindset; therefore, other principles such as MVP, wireframe, and scope are all part of the development process.

Minor modulation:

Agile methodology breaks down software development, programming, and project management into smaller steps and parts.


Unlike other methodologies, such as Waterfall, documentation takes place throughout the whole programming process. Documentation makes agile efficient for mobile app development or additional software development.

Why Use Agile for App Development?

The mobile platform is an ever-changing environment. Therefore the methodology for app development needs to have the capacity to change and adapt accordingly.

Based on the characteristics of the Agile Methodology that we mentioned above, this methodology makes mobile applications adaptable and the development process flexible.

For app development, this methodology works a lot better than other methods such as Waterfall. (with Waterfall, you need to be clear about all of the requirements beforehand. Waterfall does not give you the option to change your conditions after you start the project). 

Because with Agile, you can divide the main task into different phases with the focus of the whole app’s overall quality. The reason behind this quality is the feedback from users or the QA team.

Agile methodology turns the central concept of app development into different development cycles. For that reason, unlike Waterfall Methodology, different development stages such as design, testing, development, etc., can happen more than once through different development cycles. 

But How to Apply Agile Methodology to Your App Development?

Before talking about the different stages of building an app and how to apply agile, it’s worth mentioning agile can be used as an estimation technique. The estimation stage is intertwined with the planning phase. A successful estimation helps to plan and manage the project and deliver a desirable product. Inaccurate estimates may lead to a chaotic schedule, the dissatisfaction of the development team, and drive customers away. Let’s look at building an app as simple as we can. There are six main stages to develop an app in agile methodology:

  1. Planning
  2. Analysis of Requirements
  3. Design
  4. Development
  5. Testing
  6. Process Documentation

For the first two steps (planning and analysis of requirements), agile methodology gives the opportunity of real-time planning and sprint planning; with instant feedback from the customers, you can immediately change the planning and update the requirements to manage the risks efficiently.

The working model is the work of both the customer team and the development team. They get to an agreement about the time frame, different features, and services. 

Both teams are required to hold regular meetings in every sprint, to add the latest features to the app. 

The development and design stages are centered around the idea of iterative development. The requirements and solutions evolve through the collaboration between self-organizing cross-functional teams. 

After the development process ends, there needs to be a testing process for the app’s marketability and feasibility

To launch a successful mobile app, you need to consider many devices that will run your app. Therefore, a transverse testing process is required. 

Agile methodology allows the app developers and designers to cooperate with the end-users. The testing process is helpful to build an app that works on different types of mobile devices. While using Agile, testing is performed concurrently with the programming. 

Documentation is something that happens regularly and is intertwined with every part of the Agile development process.

 According to what we mentioned above, Agile methodology is an excellent option for app development on mobile platforms’ changeability.

To sum things up, let’s look at the benefits of agile methodology for mobile app development:

Guest article written by: Lily from WINaTALENT

4 thoughts on “Agile Methodology for App Development”

  1. It has been a long I am looking for agile methodology for other purposes to improve my occupation. This article although was related to app development, gave me a general idea about this methodology. Really informative.

  2. Definitely there are a lot of benefits of Agile approach in mobile app development. On the other hand, I don’t think that RAD method can be applied in mobile app development.

  3. Agile methodology is very interesting because you can try to use it’ s concept even outside the app development


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