5 Simple Ways to Make Easy Cash by Blogging

Many people wonder how to make money blogging. There are many ways that you can do this, but it is important to keep in mind that not all of them will be right for you. For example, if you blog about jacuzzi, then your revenue stream may come from product reviews or informational articles like hot tub maintenance guide. You can also make money by placing ads on your website.

Below we will discuss 5 simple ways that you can begin to make money by blogging today!

How to start a blog

Blogging is a great way to share your thoughts and experiences with the world. It can also be a great way to make some extra money. There are two ways to start a blog: special blogging platforms and self-hosted blogs.

Free blogging platforms

Free blogging platforms are a great place to start if you have no idea where to begin. Many of them offer free themes and functionalities that can help you get started without having to spend money or code your blog from scratch.

Most popular free blogging platforms include:

  • Blogger;
  • Wix;
  • Weebly.

If you’re looking for a more customizable platform with more features, you can also check out the paid options like WordPress.org or Squarespace. These will require a small investment but can offer a lot more in terms of design and functionality.

Create your own website

Creating your website is another way of making money by blogging. This is your home base, and it’s where you’ll be directing all of your readers. Be sure to choose a domain name that accurately reflects the topic of your blog, and set up hosting so that your website is live and ready to go as soon as you’ve finished creating it.

Simple ways to make easy cash by blogging

There are many ways to make easy cash by blogging. Below are five of the simplest:

Use affiliate marketing on your blog

Affiliate marketing is a great way to make extra cash by promoting products or services on your blog. When someone clicks on your affiliate link and makes a purchase, you earn a commission.

To get started with affiliate marketing, choose one or two products that you are interested in and promote them on your blog. Be sure to write honest reviews and make sure the product does what it says!

The best way to get started is by promoting a product that you already use and love. This way, people can trust your opinion because they know you have used the product before. It also helps if there are a lot of reviews on Amazon or other websites so that potential customers can read about them.

When writing reviews, be sure to talk about the pros and cons of each product. This will help potential customers understand what they are buying, as well as helping you avoid negative reviews later on if someone didn’t like the product.

Add banner adverts to your website

Adding banner adverts to your website is a great way to make some easy cash. Many websites will pay you for every click on one of your banners. This can be a great way to bring in some extra money each month.

Just be sure to pick the right advertisers and place the banners in strategic locations on your website. You don’t want them to be too intrusive, but you also want people to see them and click on them.

Write advertorials and sponsored content

You can also make money by writing sponsored or branded content. There are two ways to do it – either you approach the brand directly with your ideas for a collaboration (usually involves lots of emails), or you sign up on platforms where brands go to find influencers like yours. The first option gives you more control over the content and how it’s presented, but the second option is faster and easier.

Either way, make sure that the sponsored post is marked as such (usually with a disclaimer at the beginning or end of the post) and provides valuable information to your readers. They’ll appreciate being able to trust that you’re not hawking products or services just for the money.

Write guest blog posts for media outlets

Guest blog posts are a great way to get your name and work in front of new readers. Not only does this help you build an audience, but it can also lead to some paid writing opportunities down the line.

To start, reach out to any media outlets you think might be interested in running a guest post from you. This includes the websites you visit regularly or any that share your niche.

In most cases, these sites will want to know more about who you are and how they can trust you. So be prepared with information like What’s your blog’s name? How long have you been blogging? Who is your target audience? Why did you start blogging in the first place?

Once you’ve been approved, start writing! Aim for around 800-1000 words and make sure to include plenty of images (or even a video). You can also link out to other posts on your blog that would be relevant.

When you’re finished, send over a final draft and wait for their approval. If everything looks good, your post will be published and you’ll start racking up those blog views (and even some cash!)

Sell digital products on your blog

Digital products sell very well because they are easy to deliver, fast for customers to access, and the licenses tend to have fewer restrictions than physical goods. Examples of popular digital items include ebooks, software tools, templates, website themes, stock images, and fonts.

Sell your digital products on your blog using either PayPal or Stripe for payment processing. If you want to charge recurring monthly fees for subscriptions use a service like Recurly which is designed specifically with subscription businesses in mind. You can also sell one-time licenses/subscriptions for digital products through your blog.

When you’re ready to start selling digital products on your blog, here are a few tips:

  • Make sure your product is easy to purchase and access. Customers should be able to buy it with just a couple of clicks.
  • Keep the delivery process fast. Customers don’t want to wait long for their purchase to arrive.
  • Make sure the product is high quality and delivers on its promises. This will help you build a good reputation with your customers.
  • Offer support if needed. Customers like to feel that they can get help if they need it.


Blogging can be a great way to make some extra cash on the side. It’s an easy way to share your thoughts and ideas with the world, and there are plenty of ways to monetize your blog. 

These five methods are just a few of the options available to you, so be sure to explore all of your options and find the method that works best for you. You can earn anywhere from $100 to thousands of dollars per month by monetizing your blog. So what are you waiting for? Get started today!

Guest article written by: Liam Mills is a Product Expert and ex-Supplier Quality Assurance Manager at Walmart, and the Founder of ValueHunta, a contributor to ByRossi. Website – https://ca.byrossi.com/


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