Does a Slow Website Impacts Your Business

6 factors which impact your website.

Nobody likes to go to a website that is too extremely slow. We have grown accustomed to expecting websites to load instantly when we enter their website into our browsers or click on their links. Thanks to the rapid advancement of internet technology, we no longer have to wait five or ten seconds for them to appear on our screens. Therefore, when we visit a website that takes a long time to load, we just click the back button and visit another page. But how does having a slow website influence your business?

1. User Experience:

In the last decade, according to industry surveys, the average human attention span has decreased to eight seconds. This implies that after eight seconds, online visitors to your organisation would stop paying attention to it.

Websites that load slowly can irritate most internet users and ruin their entire online experience as a result. Most of these people will probably never return to the website or, even worse, will probably migrate to a rival website that offers a better user experience. Negative reviews or recommendations from unhappy customers may discourage other people from interacting with your business.

Slow-loading websites decrease consumer engagement and, as a result, the average amount of time customers spend interacting with your site.

2. Drop In Search Engine Ranking:

Anyone who has posted something online hopes that it will be read. But there is intense competition in the internet world. Visitors only go to the top few websites that come up on search engines like Google. It must have occurred to you immediately! Do you ever find yourself scrolling down and viewing the final few web pages that up on Google when you search for something? Probably not.

So, in order to gain an audience, you must dominate the competitive field of search engine rankings. Every website wants to beat the competition and move up the rankings. A variety of variables help websites rank highly.

When users leave your website rapidly, search engines take notice. It’s a symptom that users are dissatisfied with your website, perhaps as a result of a poor user experience. The goal of Google and other search engines is to give users the greatest browsing experience possible. Your website either fails to rank or is unable to maintain its search engine rating when it is unable to provide such an experience. Additionally, a reduction in the ranking may be plainly seen in the traffic drop.

3. Loss Of Traffic:

A drop in traffic follows a decrease in search engine ranking automatically. The less traffic your website receives, the lower down it shows in search results.

The websites that appear in the top few results on Google (or any other search engine), as we discussed in the last section, receive the most traffic.

33% of search traffic goes to the top spot, while just 18% goes to the second. After that, the traffic just gets worse.

This is particularly upsetting for e-commerce companies since low traffic equals fewer sales. According to studies, 79% of online customers who are unsatisfied with a website never go back.

Drop-in visits indicate that fewer people are discovering your company, clicking on advertisements, or making purchases through affiliate connections, even if you do not own an e-commerce website. Making a website for your company has the only purpose of allowing customers to learn more about the products or services you offer. However, creating a website for your company defeats the point if it makes it difficult for people to access it.

4. High Bounce Rates:

When a visitor sees a website and departs without taking any action, this occurs.

When a large percentage of website visitors leave after only seeing one page and do not click on any CTAs, links, or menu items, the bounce rate is considered to be high.

High bounce rates frequently result from slow website loading times. High bounce rates, it should go without saying, might decrease online users’ overall engagement with your website. Your company may suffer from lower conversions and overall sales as a result of decreased engagement.

5. Sales And Conversions:

When you’ve got fewer people coming over to your website then your conversion rates are also going to tank. Sure, you may use best practises to encourage visitors to your website to take your call to action, but in the end it’s still a number game for example if your standard conversion rate is 10% then on average if you have 1000 people over to your site in a month, then you’ll probably make about 100 sales. However if you get 10000 people on your site then with 10% conversion rate you’ll get 1000 sales. That’s a huge difference in numbers, so you’d obviously want to get people to stay on your website, not bounce away from it.

6. Fewer Customers & Clients:

Since the majority of people won’t be patient enough to wait for your website to load, you’re effectively left with those who are. These are most probably your most committed clients or those that have nothing better to do than wait for your website to load. What’s on their displays, though? What happens to visitors who choose to leave your website? What steps will you take to get them back? Since there is nothing you can do about what has already happened, your best course of action is to learn from your mistakes and increase the possibility that future visitors will stay on your website.

How do I fix my WordPress website speed?

When it comes to SEO, a website’s and a web page’s speed and performance are major elements. A website that loads more quickly will probably appear higher in search engine results. Additionally, it’s likely to receive more views and online traffic. This directly correlates to more turnover and greater reach for commercial websites.

One of the most crucial ranking factors, in Google’s eyes, is how quickly a page loads. The user experience of a website is also impacted by its speed. It could influence a visitor’s decision about returning to the website.

WordPress website problems You may easily design your website using WordPress, a free and open-source content management system. But there are a few common issues that WordPress website owners often encounter. 

Identify How Slow is Your Website:

Your website’s speed may be easily determined by using tools for speed analysis like Semrush or Google PageSpeed Insights. These simple-to-use tools let you see how slow your website is.

Additionally, they provide you ideas on how to speed up your website and assist you in identifying the causes of its poor performance.

Use Lighter Themes:

A theme is designed to assist in the effective design of your website. If you’re anything like us, you might be tempted to choose themes with a huge amount of functionality, but these themes are expensive. A complex theme might slow down your website.

Due to the heavy theme, it takes a while for a visitor to view your website. If you are using these heavy themes then choose lighter Themes.

Move to a Better Hosting Plan:

Most WordPress websites use virtual hosting or shared hosting servers, which can accommodate several websites at once. While these are excellent in the beginning, as the website gets more traffic, its performance may suffer. Additionally, because there are other websites on the same server as yours, the more traffic other websites receive will have an impact on how well your website performs. Therefore, when your website expands, it is crucial to make an investment in a top-notch host.

You may want to think about hosting your website on one of the many high-quality hosting providers available, such as Cloudways, Siteground, WPX Hosting, etc.


To sum up these points, any business should care about website speed! You may be the owner of the best-designed website in the entire world! But if it loads very slowly on any user device, all that effort will be for nothing.

On the other side, a quick website may help you increase inbound traffic, consumer engagement, and even the profitability of your business.

To sum up these points, any business should care about website speed! You may be the owner of the best-designed website in the entire world! But if it loads very slowly on any user device, all that effort will be for nothing.

On the other side, a quick website may help you increase inbound traffic, consumer engagement, and even the profitability of your business.

For WordPress website owners, this is fortunately a lot simpler to implement. You may improve the speed and security of your website by using specialised WordPress hosting platforms or generic hosting platforms together with a cache and outside security services.

Guest article written by: Neeraj Sharma. He is a Game Developer and Digital Marketer. He loves to convert his ideas into reality by developing Products to make your online business successful with his Games and mobile app development services.

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