How Does Technology Affect Identity Theft?

If your identity has been stolen and you have suffered damages due to the theft, you have different options to help resolve the issue and claim for financial losses and some types of damages. 

Due to the seriousness of the situation, consulting a credit firm like Fair Credit, or Lakeshore Law to help you navigate your way is a smart way to go. It will also help ensure you get back on your feet without having to actively deal with the entire identity theft predicament. 

How Technology Influences Identity Theft?

Technological progress has introduced internet banking with wireless transfers as services to streamline financial transactions. These are the two main methods identity theft criminals exploit once they have successfully obtained a victim’s identification and other personal details, like their banking details. 

Technological advancements have made it increasingly difficult to track identity theft criminals with strong technological skills. The silver lining is despite technology inadvertently introducing new ways to fall victim to identity theft, it is the primary combatant of identity theft as a whole.

What Kind Of Lawyer Do You Need For Identity Theft? 

Experience attorneys should be able to handle your case from beginning to end, and must provide you with protection and support throughout the legal process.

One might think that any lawyer will be able to provide any legal service required. In practice, the scope of United States law is extensive and multidisciplinary.

Many attorneys are generalists, but it is better to find an attorney who is specialized in the area specifically related to your case. 

Who Can I Sue For Identity Theft?

Ideally, you would like to bring a lawsuit against the individual who stole your identity; however, these thieves are usually difficult to find. In cases where the actual thief cannot be identified or located, you may be able to file suit against another party. Typically, these parties are those who had access to your social security number, credit card number and other personal information, and may include the following:

  • Banks;
  • Other financial institutions;
  • Creditors;
  • Government entities; and
  • Employers.

The type of liability will vary between parties, depending on the particular facts regarding the relationship between the identity theft  and the defending party.

Bottom Line 

Identity theft continues to be a prevalent crime in the United States. 1 in 6 Americans has been a victim of identity theft. It is vital consumers consider their current degree of safety and determine whether an upgrade is due.

An attorney experienced in identity theft cases can help decide the best strategy for winning your case and recovering losses. It could be the difference between winning your case and fair compensation; or no justice at all.

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