Protecting Your Investment: The Importance of Durable Screen Protectors

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As the cost of new mobile phones continues to rise, it makes more sense than ever to protect your investment with a durable screen protector. There’s no question that a screen protector acts as a kind of low-cost insurance policy, safeguarding both your device’s screen and the device itself from damage. Let’s talk about screen protectors and the kind of protection you should have for your investment.

Physical and Data Protection United

A screen protector needs to protect your device and its screen from impacts and other damage. But don’t forget that prying eyes are all around you which means you should be careful when using your device in public settings. 

A lack of privacy can mean big trouble for your data and other private information. Shoulder surfing has been around since at least the 80s when scammers used it to rip off calling card digits for resale. But the stakes are much higher with mobile devices, especially if you’re using them for work.

So, sure you don’t want your phone’s screen to crack. But you don’t want to invite shoulder-surfers to help themselves with your private information, either. The solution, of course, is 2-in-1 physical and data protection – a privacy screen protector!

Total Security

So, how do privacy screen protectors work? Simply, they repel prying eyes with the same magic employed by window blinds: They only let you see from certain angles. In the case of a privacy screen protector, that angle is held by the immediate viewer – the user of the device. Oblique angles from the sides, front, and back allow no visibility, foiling data thieves from the start. The technology is, in fact, called the “micro louver” (micro blind).

While the reduced angle and slightly diminished brightness provoked by a privacy screen protector may reduce your ability to spontaneously share your screen, the feature is for public situations that are more vulnerable than your office or home. While data thieves may be anywhere, they’re most likely in public. For the sake of privacy, it’s probably not worth sharing that hilarious cat video with your colleagues.

If you use separate personal and work phones, the solution is obvious. Get a privacy screen protector for your work device and a regular screen protector for your personal device! If your personal and work lives are sharing a device, then your company will spring for a better quality privacy protector that eliminates some of the drawbacks of the technology. Now, let’s talk about the attributes to look for to protect your investment with regular screen protection.

Durable Screen Protectors

Whatever style of phone protector you choose for your personal device, fitting it with tempered glass gives you incredible protection from physical damage. Tempered glass is the undisputed champion of durability, with 4 times the strength of regular glass. While it may not boast the self-healing facilities of thermoplastic polyurethane protective film (TPU), it is the acknowledged 400-pound gorilla of phone screen materials.

That doesn’t mean that TPU (also referred to as hydrogel) doesn’t have its fans. It has quite a few and the reasons for that may surprise you.

TPU/Hydrogel Screen Protector

As discussed above, hydrogel is a thermoplastic polyurethane coating. Adhering to your screen directly, hydrogel’s versatility is attractive to many. Accommodating all sizes and shapes of screens (rounded corners, squared-off corners, etc) the flexibility of the material appeals as mobile devices continue to evolve aesthetically. Tempered glass has its limitations with respect to shape. One might even say that hydrogel is well ahead of the curve.

Adaptability is a key performance indicator in these times and the material that’s best adapted to change will often win. That said, with so many perils in the world threatening the health of your mobile device, not sacrificing durability to protect your physical device makes sense.

Durability and Security Combined

For those using a personal device for work, the dual security of the privacy screen protector is your best bet, using a high-quality protector that doesn’t radically impede your ability to share your screen when so desired. For those with separate devices for work and personal use, it’s clear that your work device is the one that needs sanctuary.

Protecting your investment, whether professional or personal, is worth a little thought, especially with the rising cost of mobile devices and the army of shoulder surfers lurking in public spaces, looking for information to pinch. Tailor your solution to protect yourself, your data, your company, and your investment!