SEO Best Practices for Web Copywriters

Over 63,000 searches are conducted on Google each second, amounting to around 5.4 billion completed daily. This is possible because Google is dominating the Search engine market as it owns about 90.46 percent of its total share. 

Today, search engine optimization is the cornerstone of every digital market strategy, and it is continuously evolving. As algorithms are updated daily, it can sometimes become difficult for businesses to remain up-to-date with the latest and greatest SEO best practices, especially when they have other business aspects to look after.

However, if your business is not utilizing SEO and ranking for your industry-related keywords, you will surely miss out on your share of customers and online traffic. Fortunately, incorporating SEO best practices in your website isn’t difficult or time-consuming at all. To ensure you use SEO to its maximum potential, we have rounded up SEO best practices to help your website improve its ranking on SERPs. Some of them might be easier to incorporate than others, but all of them are doable, whether you are a rookie or veteran marketer. Let us take a look at some of these SEO hacks down below:

1. Incorporate CTAs on Each And Every Page of Your Website

The numbers don’t lie! For instance, by sending out an email with a CTA, you will see 1617 percent in sales and a 317 percent increase in clicks. A well-placed CTA on a Facebook page can see an increase of 285 percent in click-through rates. So, it is a no-brainer to have CTAs on every page of your website.

CTAs work. It is a well-known fact. When you tell website visitors, flat out, what they need to do instead of waiting for them to figure it out independently, they will likely end up doing it. A well-placed, meaningful call-to-action can drastically improve your website’s conversion rate and do wonders for your SEO efforts. And on such a note…

2. Use Buttons for CTAs Instead Of Links

While you can always use a link for a CTA, buttons can boost your click-through rate by 45 percent. A CTA needs to behave and look like a button, so giving it a 3D effect will help it pop up in your customer’s eyes and entice them to click on it.

Furthermore, adding feedback to your CTA buttons when someone hovers over them, such as a font or color change, can also appeal to your customers. Also, consider adding a clear direction. Instead of using buttons that state ‘click here for a discount,’ try to paint your offer in a positive light by using ‘Yes, I want to avail my discount’ instead. It will work a lot better than a generic CTA statement.

3. Improve Your Offers through A/B testing

An offer that may sound good to you might not sound the same for a customer. If your website visitors don’t feel excited about your offers, they will never make a purchase. Your content, CTAs, and website design might be perfect, but your offers will ultimately decide if a visitor will turn into a buyer.

If your website’s conversion rate is low, consider experimenting and playing with different offers. Consider performing an A/B test to help you find out which offer you should keep. A/B testing is a process that shows two different versions of the same webpage to various website visitors to compare which variant sees the best traffic. The offers that see the highest traffic and conversion rates are the ones you should utilize on your website.

4. Add Social Proof and Testimonials

You can increase your customers’ trust in your website by adding reviews, social proof, and testimonials on your landing pages. This will show prospects that your previous customers were happy with your services and products. It will also increase your potential customers’ confidence in your brand that they will be spending their hard-earned money on an excellent service or product.

Social proof, testimonials, and reviews increase the value of your products and services and help influence purchase and conversion. In the end, improving your brand’s reputation will increase your SEO efforts tenfold.

5. Optimize Your Website’s Content to Satisfy Your Visitor’s Intent

What is the exact reason for a user to visit a specific page on your website? If they used Google to arrive on a particular page, what was the search term they used? Such questions will help you find out the visitor’s intent.

The content on every page of your website should satisfy the visitor’s intent, or your bounce rate will go sky-high, and your conversion rate will tank. Plus, when you fail to satisfy visitor intent, Google devalues your SEO efforts and drastically decreases your website’s rankings. You should optimize your content so that visitors know they are in the right place after reading the first paragraph of your website’s content.

6. Place High-Quality Images

You should show your customers exactly what they will be paying for. High-quality product images can increase your prospects’ trust in your website and business. When talking about videos, these can either be a service in action or a how-to guide for specific products.

These images will force customers to spend more time on your website. However, in the end, you must ensure that the media you use serves a purpose. If you incorporate random images that don’t relate to what you are offering them, they’ll leave your website without signing up or making a purchase. This will ultimately be a very bad SEO practice.

7. Make Your Website Easy-To-Navigate

Another SEO tip for web copywriters is to ensure that the landing pages and website are easy to navigate. One way to achieve this is to remove anything that distracts customers from converting. These can be unnecessary web pages, content, external links, or images.

You also have to ensure that your website is highly responsive. For example, ensure that your website is always mobile-friendly. Websites that do not automatically adjust their window size when opened on a mobile device will result in customers missing essential elements such as your call-to-action buttons.

8. Include Pop-forms

Yes! We know that popups can be annoying sometimes. But, when utilized correctly, they can greatly increase your website’s conversion rate. In fact, popups that include proper context can have a conversion rate of more than 40 percent.

The key to a great popup is relevance. A popup that is irrelevant will feel annoying and intrusive to your customers. However, if you nail it, you’ll receive your due reward.

9. Hire Professional Web Development Services

Should the complexities of SEO overwhelm you, think about outsourcing your SEO to reputable web development services. By leaving your SEO to the experts, you can free yourself up to concentrate on your main strengths. 

Web development services have the know-how and tools necessary to successfully negotiate the dynamic SEO environment. So, why not spare yourself the trouble and use web development services to handle your SEO needs? It’s a choice that, over time, will pay off handsomely.

Wrapping Up

Although it may look like you’ll have to put in tons of effort, incorporating the right changes to boost your SEO efforts is not that difficult. The strategies mentioned above provide you with a platform to strategically improve your website’s SEO, and that, too, without little to no effort. That said, the important thing here is to gather data, define your goals, and continuously monitor and test your strategies to find out the ones that work and those that don’t.