Top 9 Examples Of React Native Apps In 2024

The React Native framework has maintained an upright position in the market despite its fluctuating ups and downs. It has been steady about trends, is growing recently, and will continue to expand. One of the reasons for the rising acceptance of Bespoke React Native Development is its remarkable ability to build cross-platform applications. As that uses one source code across platforms, providing greater scalability than previous solutions.

Are you planning to develop an app that runs flawlessly on iOS and Android? Some recommend using React Native for this. Is it the ideal choice for your situation? To help you decide, let’s look at a few significant apps created using React Native.

So, let’s get going.

What Is React Native?

React Native is one of the most popular open-source frameworks that allows developers to create mobile applications using JavaScript and React as user interface building components. Furthermore, React Native allows cross-platform mobile development using only one codebase, allowing mobile development on iOS and Android platforms simultaneously.

The main idea behind React Native is that it allows you to compose components using JavaScript that are akin to native UI components. The components are then converted to native code, which allows them to behave and render as native components. This technique allows for a balanced balance between the performance and efficiency of native applications and the agility and speed of development of web-based apps.

Key Features of React Native

We’ll look at the best attributes that make React Native a go-to choice for app creators.

Cross-Platform Brilliance

React Native has the capability to design applications that run effortlessly across iOS and Android platforms. By using a single source code base, React Native App Development Company avoid the tedious job of managing two distinct codes, reducing the development process considerably.

Native-Like Performance

Contrary to hybrid frameworks, React Native compiles to true native components. This gives your application the performance and responsiveness that users are used to. This method ensures smooth animations, rapid loading times, and an incredibly responsive user interface—similar to native apps.

Reusable Components

React Native promotes modularity by reducing user interfaces into modular components. These components can be used in various application parts, leading to easier-to-maintain and organized source code.

Hot Reloading Magic

There is no need to keep building your app every time you modify it. React Native’s reloading technology lets developers see changes immediately, drastically reducing the development process’s iteration times.

Declarative Syntax

React Native is based on React’s ideas for use on the web and uses declarative syntax. React Native App Consulting experts will specify the UI based on the app’s state, simplifying development and improving code readability.

Access To Native Modules

Suppose your application needs to use the native capabilities of inaccessible devices via JavaScript. In that case, React Native permits the incorporation of native custom modules, allowing you to construct bridges connecting JavaScript and native software.

Top 9 React Native App Examples

Below are the top companies that prefer React Native for their business app development. They include:


The giant of the electric vehicle industry, Tesla, selected React Native to develop mobile apps for electric vehicles. It introduced features that allow controlling the car from a distance, monitoring the battery’s charging status, and controlling the temperature and cooling of the cabin. Also, remotely lock and unlock your vehicle, diagnose issues, and track the car’s position. It also allowed Tesla to design modern display and control solutions for their vehicles that align with Tesla’s neo-liberal ideas. While specific details aren’t accessible, Tesla’s client response is generally favorable.


 Bloomberg is a platform that provides its users with worldwide business and financial information. In the beginning, Bloomberg developed separate apps for iOS and Android platforms. However, they had spent much time managing their business apps independently, which was complicated. A team of engineers at the company’s New York headquarters developed the updated app utilizing the React Native technology. 

Its React Native platform’s single codebase and auto-refreshing code helped speed development. Also, they allowed the team to increase speed and enhance their business application. The upgrade from React Native also allowed them to avoid the previous slowdowns the team had experienced.


Skype, the renowned messaging application, worked for quite a while; however, as traffic increased, users realized that the app’s layout needed to be more exciting and the features needed to be updated. In 2017, Skype revealed it was developing an entirely new program based on React Native from its previous platform. The new version was not without issues, but it did experience some hic. 

The new version comes with a new design and the latest capabilities. Microsoft chose to also use React Native for mobile platforms and their Windows desktop application, which provides the same user experience across all platforms.


The team responsible for development at Pinterest looked into React Native to implement within their application for business due to the advantages they have experienced. At first, they stumbled upon a straightforward screen to create the “crash test.” The experiment proved effective and helped improve the speed at which they developed. The shared codebase required ten days to make the iOS screen and two weeks to “move” it to Android. All of these benefits were realized without affecting the performance. In addition, these benefits let us spend less time at standup meetings and fewer disparities between the mobile and desktop platforms.

Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads is the first platform designed entirely using React Native by the company. This framework is perfect for handling the complicated business logic needed to control precisely the differences between advertising formats and time zones, as well as dates, currencies, and currencies, of which the majority was created in JavaScript. Additionally, it allows for handling vast amounts of data each minute. 

By implementing React Native, Facebook ensured users an effortless, top-quality experience across both platforms. Additionally, implementing UI areas with data is easier using React Native. The many components developed with Facebook Ads are helpful for developers working on their applications.


The well-known cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has decided to revamp its sign-up for mobile users with React Native. The main reason for this change was Coinbase’s international reach and need for flexibility. The company completely rewrote the program instead of altering the codebase, which was more costly. Furthermore, React Native allowed the same codebase to be used across different platforms and rapidly introduced an improved sign-up interface. It also considered factors such as the reuse of elements and the simplicity of getting web developers into the fold.


Wix is among the most renowned no-code web developers, which permits the development of entirely web-based websites for no cost and without programming skills. It utilizes its React Native framework to build mobile apps that allow users to operate and control their businesses daily. 

Initially, Wix developers began playing it in 2015. The first version of the mobile web application was launched using React Native v0.17.0 and is currently the most extensive RN application in the world. Wix decided to use Custom React Native Development to reduce the time spent simultaneously making iOS and Android applications. This reduces time to market and improves developers’ security and future scalability.


The well-known message-based voice call and distribution system was initially designed to cater to gamers. But, it expanded beyond the gaming community. Initially, it was created by using native development. However, the team has been looking into React Native since the React Native framework was introduced. The team soon switched to React Native, which proved an excellent choice. Discord is an iOS application that experienced millions of users per month, had almost no crashes, and is rated 4.8 on the app store.


Instagram is a different React Native mobile app example that incorporated React Native into its existing native application, first through the Push notifications view initially developed as a WebView. It didn’t require the development of an infrastructure for navigation due to its simple interface. 

Instagram’s development team first encountered some issues. However, they managed to improve developers’ performance, as nearly 99 percent of their code was distributed with both iOS and Android applications. As a result, Instagram could launch the application faster than it would have with the native app platform.


Of course, it is possible to create other custom-built applications written in React Native, and we can see that the demand for this framework for development is expanding. React Native has proved to provide a viable alternative to the native application development process, and despite some shortcomings, it offers a vast array of possibilities.

The above-discussed examples allow us to conclude that React Native is an excellent alternative for entrepreneurs to develop mobile applications on both iOS and Android platforms using one codebase that requires no or little changes. The well-known brands that have recognized the potential of React Native for their business app development assure us of this.