A Definitive Guide to Digital Book Marketing

As much as it is difficult to grasp, writing a book is the ‘easy’ part of publishing one. If you’re writing a book, it means you have the expertise and interest in the topic that you’re writing about, but selling a book is an entirely different ballgame. The work doesn’t end at writing and publishing … Read more →

How to keep your technology book current

Books on technology can age quickly. Here’s how we keep the TYPO3 Guidebook current.  By Felicity Brand Technologies change day to day, but books can’t—which is why some people hesitate before purchasing a new technology book. It’s true that web technologies are constantly changing (for the better!), but we designed our book to remain relevant … Read more →

9 must-read books for tech start-ups in 2020

Are you ready to grow your tech business in 2020? As the old saying goes, knowledge is power, and this is doubly true in the competitive world of business. Learning new information is vital if you want to stay ahead of the competition and gain valuable business insight. From learning how to promote productivity in … Read more →

Is it ethical to sell complimentary copies of textbooks?

One thing that every college student knows is the hassle and headache of buying new textbooks. With every new semester, the headache begins anew. Time after time, we find ourselves wondering how a bunch of bleached plant matter can be so incredibly expensive. Even for those who can afford them, textbooks are a royal pain … Read more →