I hope it’s not too late to wish you all a Merry Christmas – otherwise consider this an early greeting for Christmas 2010 🙂
Happy New Year
2009 is close to an end and a new year (2010) is just around the corner. 2009 was great for TechPatio for one reason: It was the year this site was launched. Without 2009 we wouldn’t have a TechPatio.com today.
What 2010 will bring to TechPatio, I don’t know yet. My only goal is to keep improving and provide you with an even better source for tech news stuff and the like. Don’t forget to subscribe to my RSS feed (it’s free) to be updated, or follow me on Twitter so we can stay connected in 2010 as well.
Happy new year, everybody!
Wish you also happy new year Klaus. Hope this new year bring to you and your family lots of happiness.
Thanks Chandan – and to you too!
Happy New Year Klaus! Hope 2010 is great for you – and for TechPatio! 🙂
.-= Christie´s last blog ..Introverts and neighbors =-.
Thank you Christie. Hope 2010 will be great for IZ and you as well 🙂
Happy new year bro…can’t wait to see what you got cooking for 2010!
Happy new year to you too Alan. I can assure you that I will be cooking a roast sometime in 2010, but I might not blog about it 😀
Happy New Year everyone!
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..PLEASE COMMENT – Have You EVER Used The Added Feature Of My Subscribe To Comments Plugin?? =-.
Happy new year Dennis!
Happy New Year to you too 😉
Hope 2010 is better and that your site increases in subscribers and traffic and maybe even income. Just keep going the the same direction and I’m sure you will see the difference in no time.
.-= George Serradinho´s last blog ..2010 Goals: Personal and Blog Resolutions =-.
I hope so too and I hope the same for you as well, of course 🙂 Here in 2010 I will also be able to send you my guest post. It’s done but I didn’t wanted to have it published right before the holidays.
Belated Merry Christmas to everybody! Hopefully, all of us will have a wonderful 2010. More blessings to come!
.-= Mark´s last blog ..School Grants For Studying Abroad =-.
what did you do for New years this years?