I’m using the Thesis theme for my WordPress blogs since August 31st on TechPatio.com and since the beginning of
ApplePatio.com too. It’s a great search engine optimized theme with lots of features.
Some of the major changes in 1.6 compared to 1.5 are:
- Design and color options built-in to the theme settings.
- Automatic dropdown navigation menu, using parent-child pages and nested categories etc.
- Custom file editor built-in to WordPress dashboard.
- Major navigation menu enhancements, more flexible class names to menu elements.
- Two new navigation menu hooks so you can add your own stuff without modifying the theme files.
- Fixed multimedia box font and color controls. No longer necessary to set your own font styles and color settings via custom.css
- Post images and thumbnails are now faster and more efficient. Less HTTP requests for each post image and thumbnail, faster loading of your site.
- Releaged IE8 compatiblity code – will only run if Thesis detects IE8 browser.
There are other changes and enhancements too but they are probably a bit too minor or technical, to bother with them in this post.
I haven’t updated TechPatio and ApplePatio to Thesis 1.6 yet but I intend to do it early November. I have already tried Thesis 1.6 beta on another site though and I find it to be great.
If you’re not already running Thesis, check it out and see how it can help improve the SEO rankings of your blog/website.
Hi there,
Did you notice any other feature of Thesis ?
I am a big fan of Pearson thesis guy due to his great efforts to give us freedom to use Thesis as we like.
.-= Surender Sharma´s last blog ..How To:Get Started On Twitter For Your Small Business Promotion =-.
I haven’t really looked that much into the 1.6 features, I only tried out the beta for the drop-down navigation menu. But I hope to be able to digg further into Thesis 1.6 once I update my blogs.
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Yaro Starak’s Membership Site Mastermind Course NOW OPEN! =-.
What made me interested to read the post in others blog is where they mentioned about thesis theme and twitter. can’t wait to get the thesis theme
Sounds like you’ve already done some research on the Thesis theme, but if you have further questions feel free to ask – and of course you’re more than welcome to purchase Thesis through my link 🙂
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Yaro Starak’s Membership Site Mastermind Course NOW OPEN! =-.
still waiting for my new budget though..
i gonna get it soon…:D
.-= izzat aziz´s last blog ..Eight 2009 Albums you should buy =-.
Dear Klaus,
I’ve not updated Thesis neither yet, as not had the time. I’ll eventually do it, and will see about the changes. Seems like just minor adjustments, or are they really radical?
.-= Ana´s last blog ..Contrasting Bliss =-.
Hi Ana,
Not the biggest changes, but it’s also just an upgrade from 1.5.1 to 1.6 🙂 I’m sure 2.0 will see a lot of changes. But the changes in 1.6 are welcome and some of the changes also happened behind the scenes. Here’s a guide I got from Christie at MiscBytes.com on how to upgrade, if you’re a little bit in doubt: http://gregrickaby.com/2009/09/thesis-1-6-upgrade-in-15-minutes.html
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..SEO Was Yesterday – Now Comes NFO (Facebook) =-.
Thanks Klaus! 🙂
.-= Ana´s last blog ..Contrasting Bliss =-.
I just clicked your Thesis link and if the price looks right I might just buy it and test it tonight, I want to end up with it on at least six of my blogs if not more.
Only thing holding me back on geting them all is the price. I will keep you posted if I get it installed 🙂
.-= Extreme John´s last blog ..To Terminate or Not to Terminate =-.
Hi John,
I didn’t know you had that many blogs, you must be very busy 🙂 The ‘developer’ license should allow you to put it on all the sites you want to, that’s the one I got.
Feel free to let me know if you have any questions, wouldn’t want you to buy a pig in a poke.
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..SEO Was Yesterday – Now Comes NFO (Facebook) =-.
I was really close in buying Thesis, then there was this Asia Pacific blog award, so I held up my upgrade because I was already chosen as the finalist.
Now that the award is already over, I’m re-thinking to buy Thesis 🙂
.-= Michael Aulia´s last blog ..Beware of a Facebook update email scam! =-.
Are you having doubts, since you haven’t purchased yet? 🙂 You’re also welcome to ask any questions you might have, of course.
And how did it go with Asia Pacific Blog award?
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Google Similar Image Search Fresh Out of Google Labs =-.
Thank you for thesis theme Klaus. Well I am using blogger blog, so I can not use this theme. Is there any blogger SEO optimized theme?
.-= chandan@work at home´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.
I don’t know anything about Blogger themes, sorry 🙁 But I’d strongly suggest that you move away from blogger and get your own domain and web host. Otherwise you’re putting all your eggs in the basket of Blogger. What if they decide that you’re in violation of their T&C’s and close down your site? Also it looks way more professional to have your own URL rather than a subdomain on blogspot.com.
Using WordPress as your blog platform you get access to tons of plugins and themes too, including the SEO optimized Thesis theme 🙂
Just let me know if you have any questions!
.-= Klaus @ TechPatio´s last blog ..Friday Flick Find: Windows 7 Launch Party & Parody =-.
Yes blog, but if I use my domain then what will my SERP, PR and all of these? Can you explain me please?
.-= chandan@work at home´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.
You will need to set up some redirects on your blogspot site to your new, own domain. I’m sure there’s a way, you’re not the first wanting to move from a Blogger site to your own blog 🙂
What if you want to sell your site in the future? I don’t think that will be easy when it’s hosted at blogspot, making it technically not “yours”, domain wise, that is.
It might be cumbersome for you in the beginning, but eventually you will benefit from having your own full domain (also when it comes to branding).
You are right bro, I have to consult about it at digital point forum. Well thank you lots.
.-= chandan@work at home´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.
You’re welcome. Also check out http://lovingtech.net forum – might be somebody there with thoughts on your “problem”.
Sure Klaus, I will check the forum. Thank you.
.-= chandan@work at home´s last blog ..Top posts on work at home opportunties =-.