Thesis 1.6 Has Arrived – SEO Optimized WordPress Theme

I’m using the Thesis theme for my WordPress blogs since August 31st on and since the beginning of too. It’s a great search engine optimized theme with lots of features. Some of the major changes in 1.6 compared to 1.5 are: Design and color options built-in to the theme settings. Automatic dropdown navigation … Read more →

How To: More Targeted AdSense Ads & Thesis Code Example

If you have watched the Matt Cutts video from WordCamp San Francisco 2009 you probably noticed his mentioning of the two following HTML codes: [html] <!–google_ad_section_start–> <!–google_ad_section_end–> [/html] Most people don’t know about those two tags and so they don’t use them. Using them lets you define what part of your website (or blog) should … Read more →