3 thoughts on “Friday Flick Find: XPhone – The First Real iPhone Killer”

  1. Pingback: Smashing Saturday: Link Love For Bloggers | Sahil Kotak dot Com
  2. lol, at first I was looking for my credit card to buy one until they started popping a VHS in the thing. Where do you find this stuff Klaus? I must admit you are the KING of finding cool videos.
    .-= Alan @ Basin Glass Co.ยดs last blog ..Tiger in 2012 =-.

    • Yup, the VHS thing is a deal-breaker for me too, otherwise I would have bought one ๐Ÿ˜€

      Well, I get around and people sometimes send me interesting stuff, some of it they want to have featured here on Fridays, some if it I just find so interesting that I need to have it here ๐Ÿ™‚


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