How To Wake Up Monday Morning

Happy SmileyDon’t you just love to sleep in? I certainly do. But I also love to wake up refreshed and ready for another great work week. But sometimes getting up Monday morning can be a bit…. tough? Specially if you, like me, have a tendency to stay up too late watching TV, reading blogs etc.

Here’s a tip I once learned how to make it easier to wake up and get out of bed, not just Monday mornings, but any mornings where you might feel a bit down.

The key is to find something that motivates you to get up and start your day. This is “easily” done by thinking a bit ahead, searching for something that you look really forward to, which makes you happy. When you feel happy, you will get a lot of “happy chemicals” going on inside yourself, which is good. Like Dopamine, which controls your body’s “pleasure center” – the area of the brain that allows you to enjoy life. 

For instance, you may be looking forward to seeing a specific person, a co-worker, your boss – maybe someone who just returned from vacation and you’re very excited to hear all about it. It could be a project that you’re very satisfied with and you need to deliver it today, which can also be very exciting. Or you know that when you get home from work, the mailman would have delivered that brand new piece of tech for you…

Think about something that makes you happy when looking forward to that event. Then imagine it in your head. Make the picture so clear that it becomes as vivid as it gets. Add lights, add sounds, add colors. Imagine what people are saying, what you’re saying, the sounds you might hear around you. Notice how it makes you feel. Happy, right? Maybe even comfortable and relaxed. It’s a great feeling.

Now, with that feeling in your body – get your feet outta the bed and enjoy your Monday morning 🙂

7 thoughts on “How To Wake Up Monday Morning”

  1. Great tip. I usually take about 10-15 minutes in the morning when I get to the office for non work-related stuff. If it is something I’m thinking about when I go to bed the night before, it helps get me moving in the morning, knowing I have that to look forward to.

  2. It’s great to have such “rituals” to keep it all flowing nice and smooth 🙂

    Liked your site too by the way, I already subscribed to it – even though I still have a bunch of years till I turn 40, does look like you have some nice articles in there.

  3. Pingback: Ching Ya
  4. Gr8 tip …What I think is to write in the early mornings .. which help me not just wake me up but also make me motivated as my blog is my passion thus keeps me going in the morning .
    If you have a blog and its your passion write in the morning time or keep that appointment with just your blog in the morning . Might help us a lot

  5. Like Sudeep, my blog is what gets me up in the mornings! In fact, if I accidentally wake up an hour early, it’s hard not to jump out of bed and check email and Google Analytics. Plus of course, so many of my friends on the web are on vastly different time zones than I am, so I get a lot of Twitter DMs overnight every day.
    .-= christie´s last blog ..Set up a store in just minutes with new Google Checkout Store Gadget =-.

  6. Positive scenarios like the one you’ve mentioned will give me a boost anytime. 🙂 Moreover, we can adapt this pattern and use it whenever we feel a little down. Greats posts on NLP, keep up the good work!

  7. I really like above post coz Whenever I want to get out off bed its not easy for me but after reading it.. it seems so much easy. that happiness is awesome than awesome.


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