Self Pity – Stop Feeling Sorry For Yourself!

I found this video on human mindset by Karl Moore as part of the 30 Day Challenge to be very interesting and true indeed – I already knew about the principles explained in the video, but lots of people don’t – and even if they do – it’s good to have it refreshed in your memory, every now and then.

In this video Karl is talking about how to overcome self pity. I won’t give out all the details here, you would have no reason for watching the video then 🙂

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How To Give Valuable And Constructive Feedback

We should all know how important it is to be able to accept feedback from others, specially constructive feedback, which allows us to improve ourselves, or the project or whatever received the feedback. One way of giving feedback is to simply let it out there. Say it like you mean it, just like when the … Read more →

How To Wake Up Monday Morning

Happy SmileyDon’t you just love to sleep in? I certainly do. But I also love to wake up refreshed and ready for another great work week. But sometimes getting up Monday morning can be a bit…. tough? Specially if you, like me, have a tendency to stay up too late watching TV, reading blogs etc.

Here’s a tip I once learned how to make it easier to wake up and get out of bed, not just Monday mornings, but any mornings where you might feel a bit down.

The key is to find something that motivates you to get up and start your day. This is “easily” done by thinking a bit ahead, searching for something that you look really forward to, which makes you happy. When you feel happy, you will get a lot of “happy chemicals” going on inside yourself, which is good. Like Dopamine, which controls your body’s “pleasure center” – the area of the brain that allows you to enjoy life. 

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