Google Wave Invitations – Come And Get’em, They’re Free!

google_wave_invitation_logoGoogle Wave is a rather new and fancy product from Google that’s still in preview and so it’s not possible to join it instantly. You can, however, get invited and hopefully get access faster than if you apply directly.

Google Wave is a shared workspace where you can discuss stuff, work, communicate with friends, co-workers etc., using text, photos and a bunch of other media.

A wave is a collection of messages, called clips, that you can edit and reply to. It also has this cool feature where you can see what other people are typing – while they type. It sounds and looks cool but it easily gets annoying knowing that the recipient is looking at all the mistakes you make and if you write something you regret and quickly delete before sending the message, the other participant(s) might already have seen it. So think before you type ๐Ÿ™‚

Okay, so I assume you’re here for the invites. I was granted access to Google Wave yesterday and so I have some invitations available. I have 6 left, as you can see on the screenshot, and I’m going to give them away to my TechPatio readers.

google_wave_invitationsIt’s very simple:

  1. ReTweet this post – please use the retweet button in the lower right corner just below this post.
  2. Digg this post, using the button in the same area as the retweet button.
  3. Write a comment below confirming that you have retweet and dugg this post. I will then, as soon as I see your comment, send the invitation to the e-mail address you used for your comment.

The clever readers might have figured out by now that it’s the 5 first readers to complete the above three steps, that will receive the 5 invitations. I’m saving the last invitation for a special someone ๐Ÿ™‚

There’s just one catch though, on the invitation-page it says, well, let me just quote Google:

Invitations will not be sent immediately. We have a lot of stamps to lick.

So I don’t know exactly when you will receive the invitation. But hey, I guess it should be faster than applying for access directly at the Wave website.

Happy waving!

Sorry – no more invitations left! Comments are closed!

Out Of Business

Okay, this took me completely by surprise. In less than a minute after I published this post, I had 5 visitors from FriendFeed in here. In just 25 minutes I had received over 20 comments, 4 diggs (guess somebody didn’t digg it after all?) and 9 tweets using the tweet button. Maybe I should have asked for digg and twitter username to verify the details ๐Ÿ™‚ย  But I picked those that were first and seemed to have both dugg and tweeted as asked for, and added you guys to the invitation list.

I actually decided to give out all 6 invites to make up for the fact that I screwed up a bit with the “confirmation process” ๐Ÿ™‚

Below you’ll find a screenshot of the users that made it. Of course I removed some of parts of the e-mail addresses but hopefully you will be able to make out if you were included it or not. I removed all e-mail addresses from the comments as well, so spam bots doesn’t index them and start sending you spam. Sorry to those of you who didn’t get an invitation. I hope that those of you who did, will receive it as soon as possible – we just need Google to lick the stamps a bit faster!


36 thoughts on “Google Wave Invitations – Come And Get’em, They’re Free!”

  1. Pingback: Tibor Mรกtรฉs
  2. Pingback: เธเน‰เธญเธ‡
  3. Pingback: jyj
  4. Pingback: Michael Hulburt
  5. Pingback: Ashleigh Smith
  6. Pingback: Chris Lozeau
  7. done:) can you send me the invite pls? my mail address is : ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it*** , thx:)

    • Thanks – I have verified your tweet, so I added you to the invitation list. Contact me for proof later if necessary.

  8. I would like an invitation to the Google Wave. I would like to use it to communicate with our developer team.

    Email: ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it***

    I would really appreciate it. I’ve retweeted and “redigged” it ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. done…retweet:
    second digg.
    my mail address is : ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it*** , thx:)

    • Forgot to inclue my email:
      ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it*** – Please don’t make my email public ๐Ÿ™

  10. Hey, retweeted and dugg it :). I’d really appreciate if you invite me, i really wanna wavee :D.

    My email is: ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it***


  11. Done! Hoping to receive an invite. Thanks in advance.

    Twitter: JulianLyle
    Email: ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it***

  12. I digged it and retweeted :]
    ***removed so spambots doesn’t get it***

    i cant wait to try this outtt ๐Ÿ˜€

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  17. Pingback: Google Wave Invitations – Come And Get’em, They’re Still Free! โ€” TechPatio
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