Photography: You Really Don’t Need Expensive Camera Equipment For a Photoshoot

Here’s a video I saw on a Danish photography blog,, that shows how little you actually need, to do a DIY photoshoot in your own home – without the need of a DSLR camera, a flash, reflector etc. All it takes is some good, natural light, coming through a white sheet hanging over a bright window, and any decent pocket camera (or something slightly better).

Check out the video below to see how it’s done:

You should also watch this video (which is the one they mention in the video above) showing how to do a photoshoot with just an iPhone 3GS. However, these guys use some really expensive lighting, which not all of you might have access to (I don’t!).

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10 thoughts on “Photography: You Really Don’t Need Expensive Camera Equipment For a Photoshoot”

  1. Pingback: digital cameras
  2. Pingback: Julia Kanorr
  3. It’s refreshing to hear someone say this. I am always getting told that it is DSLR or nothing. I agree that you can get a decent picture with a decent regular digital camera.

    • Don’t worry Marc. It’s the person behind the camera who’s taking great pictuers, not the camera itself πŸ™‚

  4. Good question there. We’ve lost our camera and I’ve been using the iPhone for taking family pictures here. We’re also wondering about how much to invest in our new camera, especially with a big nature trip coming up.

  5. I still maintain that we could shoot weddings with an old 6 megapixel Rebel and a 50 mm 1.8 lens and have basically the same stuff as what we’re getting with a much more expensive setup.

  6. Awesome video!!
    I saw the iPhone one a while back, but DIY version is awesome.
    I’ve been telling aspiring photographers that they shouldn’t obsess with equipment to begin with, just get a firm understanding of lighting and composition first.

    This video proves my point.

  7. Your blog really demonstrates the advanced functionality of iPhone. One don’t need to buy a DSLR camera if having iPhone. Isn’t it?

    • Please don’t say to photographers that they don’t need a DSLR if they have an iPhone…. 99.9% of them will eat you alive, and with good reason πŸ˜‰

  8. I don’t think that it can work better than a DSLR digital camera. It can do up to some extent but not exactly what we want


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