Here are a few examples of cloud services: Yahoo!Mail, Google Docs, Facebook, YouTube, Flickr, Ebay and many more. Users can access these services with a web browser and internet connection from any computer. Data is not confined to the hard drive of the computer the user is using.
Cloud services are the biggest advantage to businesses as they bring down the hardware costs. There’s no need to buy a large hard drive to store information as they will be stored on a remote computer.
Big companies and organizations can increase capacity without investing in new infrastructure, training personnel, buy a set of software licenses for every employee. These organizations could pay a fee to a cloud computing company and get company wide access to computer applications.
Many people have already switched to the cloud services with use of social networking applications and web browsers. They are using laptop and desktop computers with remote servers, smartphones, subscribing to RSS feeds, managing banking transaction through mobile/internet and blogging on WordPress. Technology experts expect that people will adopt the Hybrid cloud which is a composition of two or more clouds as multiple cloud systems that are connected in a way that allows programs and data to be moved easily from one deployment system to another.
The future trend in the area of software as a service will throw light on integration of data and services. This integration will take take notice of the growing number of cloud services. SaaS has simplified the deployment and acquisition of software tools for consumers thereby giving the low initial cost, no infrastructure and customization benefits.
A recent survey says that people who use multiple SaaS application are planning to extend their usage over time. This gives a good oppurtunity as well as challenge for data integration vendors. As the usage of SaaS increases, data virtualization can progress by associating data from mobile devices and other end-user derived sources. Integrating data among applications is what SaaS providers need to look for to work on.
Platform as a service allows organizations to target on innovation than the delivery of services. This means that companies can host powerful applications and deploy them anywhere in the world without having the infrastructure. Adopting PaaS application platforms has become necessary as a majority of people are using mobile and web applications.
The Google App Engine can be cited as the instance for adoption of PaaS. Although there are concerns expressed on cloud computing, large businesses are going use to cloud due to control and security issues and the people in the under developed areas are likely to use the cloud through mobile phones.
Guest article written by: Katherin is the author of this blog post, for whom writing is a passion. Her articles shows us a balance of conveying information and a good read. She has written articles on the flippa clone, Airbnb clone, yipit clone script and many more.
Cloud computing really got to anywhere this days with DropBox and even steam games, our personal data is saved on big servers and allows us access from any place.
I think the real player within the cloud computing was Gmail, when they offered virtual drives within Gmail.
Thanks for the info. I believe cloud use will grow immensely in the coming months. I do hope they improve some concerns regarding its security.
I admit that there are a lot of advantages in using cloud computing however i’m still not yet fully convinced to use this service. I’m not confident enough that my files are protected from malicious files and hackers. I think they need to tighten there security system first.
Cloud will be very huge very soon. Even though Cloud computing is a great idea, I think data security will need to be improved as well.
Cloud is a funky name for virtualized servers. Actually cloud is nothing but a cluster of multiple servers at once that runs many applications that you would run on a dedicated box, but it has redundancy. Technically, the best advantage of cloud is “scalability”. This means that a system that is scaled to be able to maintain or increase its level of performance when computing power is necessary because of the increased workload. Overall cloud environment is one that will not disappoint you.
I like the best thing in cloud computing is that it is easy to implement because there is no need of any hardware and software licenses for it so in short, cloud computing can provide significant savings, better IT services and a higher level of reliability.
Hi there,
definitely there was much ado about the cloud computing recently and even predictions that cloud computing would completely change the way companies use technology. Besides, Google and Amazon already have most of their IT resources in the cloud. But as for me, the main point is that these new options must be secure and make our day to day works easier.
Regards. Tanya
Although much had been said about cloud computing, but I’m still not convinced especially when it comes to security. There’s no way data will be safe if it is in someone else’s hands. Unless security has improved drastically, other wise I think cloud computing is not for me yet.