Understanding Whether Satellite TV Technology Can Help Your Business or Not

Satellite TV, while great at home, is not simply about home entertainment. The whole point of the satellite signal is that it can be caught almost anywhere, with its strength and reliability making it ideal for customers that want choice in their programming. Depending on the kind of business you run, the use of satellite connections can be a great help, even a key selling point.

Hoteliers, for example, and publicans are both in a position to enhance their existing service with a satellite TV connection. The hotelier has a duty to provide night time companionship or entertainment for his or her guests. The TV is a perfect way to do that, offering a breadth of programming while at the same time giving the user control over when and how he or she watches. Investment in a satellite package that lets viewers watch on demand titles, and control the programming that comes through non on demand channels, gives guests a sense that you are going the extra mile to make them feel welcome and entertained.

While the hotel’s use of satellite connections is often geared specifically towards filling time for people who are likely to be on their own (business people travelling to conferences; sales people; basically anyone who is away from home for a couple of nights in a strange place); the publican’s use for the technology is quite different. A pub or bar thrives on crowds of people – and the introduction of satellite TV into the mix can give large numbers of people a specific reason to attend the pub or bar at the same time.

By far and away the most popular reason for a pub or bar to have a TV is so people can watch important sporting occasions and have a drink at the same time. While current upheavals in international licensing law (which at some point will have to crumble in the face of the internet, and its ability to provide global media) are making the future of sports provision in pubs less set than it used to be, publicans and bar owners still have to purchase the right to show some sports (or, rather, some channels). That means, of course, that the decision to buy the channel license has to be made in conjunction with a profit forecast: how much beer (basically) will customers drink if they come in to watch the football?

Licensing law (premises license, not the licenses that you buy to show sporting events on satellite TV in pubs) also has an effect on the viability of the service on your business. An example: the pub I used to run didn’t have a full entertainment license. That meant that it was actually illegal for us to have a TV with the sound on, because that would make the TV itself a reason for people to come to the pub.

If you’re going to do that you need a license that permits you to do it – so the full cost of showing a sporting event is doubled from the cost of licensing just the channel, to licensing the premises to have a TV in it with the sound turned up. So yes – in some cases satellite TV is good for business. In others, it’s too expensive.

Guest written article by: Donna Baxter is associated with various internet security related companies as their freelance and staff writer. She has been linked with some of the best web media companies and offers various ways for internet solutions. She excels in writing articles related to internet security, internet plans, TV plans etc.

8 thoughts on “Understanding Whether Satellite TV Technology Can Help Your Business or Not”

  1. What i like about Satellite TV is that you can see a lot of programs without any commercials. Satellite TV offers much higher picture and sound quality compared to Cable TV.

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  5. Pingback: Arthur Prudent
  6. Hi there,
    the satellite TV is one of the crucial elements in some businesses especially when it is about the entertainment and hospitality business. However, again thanks to the recent technology developments there are some other solutions as well. For example internet TV which does not require the dish to receive the TV signal as it is when using the satellite television.
    Regards. Tanya

  7. I can see where satellite television would benefit some companies, but for me it is virtually useless, at least right now.

  8. Pingback: shandipinkham

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