How much time do you have?
Few of us have the luxury of too much time in our hands. But no matter how much time you have to spare, that will be divided among multiple blogs; the more you have, the less time that you can devote to each one. That’s simple mathematics. You can’t change that. Calculate how many hours a week (or month) you can allot to each blog. You’ll want enough time to be able to meet your publishing quota for each blog. Hint: The less time you have to publish, the fewer blogs you can hope to maintain consistently.
How strong is the competition?
Blogs in competitive niches would require more of your time than ones in niches that are less competitive. A blog that faces little to no rivalry can “take care of itself” even without you constantly updating and promoting it. Assess just how much work your multiple blogs will need. If only one of them needs a lot of work, then running them all simultaneously may be possible. However, multiple blogs in highly competitive niches? That’s quite a daunting challenge, assuming you work alone and don’t outsource.
How much do you really know about the subject?
Many new bloggers are so excited by the idea of profiting from “keywords” that they fail to consider how well a topic suits them. Don’t be misled by the keyword Cost Per Click or any other statistic. Unless you have real knowledge or fondness for the subject, blogging about it can be more trouble than it’s worth. Instead of spending your time writing and publishing, you devote it to research. Worst of all, you probably wouldn’t enjoy it– you’d be miserable. And that makes you unproductive. Abandon niches that you have no real interest in.
How good are you at multi-tasking?
Can you prioritize your sites? Do you have the discipline to follow a publishing schedule for all your blogs for an entire year? Do you thrive in handling multiple projects? These are necessary to managing multiple sites. Some people like to do many things at once– this may be the perfect situation for them. But others are more comfortable with engaging only one project at a time. Create a plan for your blogs for the next 12 months. Think you could fulfill them? Be honest!
What is your goal for each blog?
Do you want each one to be a “super site” with thousands of posts? Or would you be happy with two dozen posts on most of them? Can you realistically expect to fulfill your article output goal for each blog within a specific time frame? To give an example: I set a goal of 300 posts per year for a priority blog, to reach 1,000 posts in 3 years; but I only 50 posts in a low priority one. Some of my sites have a “lifespan” of about 25 posts before I let them sit; others are ongoing projects. Be specific about your goals, and be realistic about the odds of realizing them.
As you answer each of the questions above, I think you’ll get a clearer picture of where you stand with regards to multiple blogs and websites. This isn’t a minor undertaking, if you are a one-man (or woman) show. So don’t take it lightly.
Article contributed by: L.J. at Blog Lady: Tips on WordPress blogging, Gmail, Facebook and Internet marketing.
I think it’s all about time and of course creativeness, If you’ve both things then you can easily manage more than one blog.
I am totally agree with you in this concern. Our commitment and time & hard work is the only key to success. One can make so many blogs but I think time and multi-tasking are the main things.
Thanks to share your thinking with us.
Less is more, better focus on quality rather than quantity. Nice post L.J.
I really appreciate this post, to be honest we can manage how many blogs we should create depending on our patience and creativity, I totally agree about how strong our competition , cause we all know that there are many blog all over the net, so we must create a unique blog and title to catch many readers attention.
I am also tempted in writing on multiple blogs at once and it’s not the best idea. One should try to handle a maximum of two blogs, especially if he’s time is limited by a day job.
I am really enjoying my blog and I have attempted a second but I am struggling, I think I will stick to my main blog for now and make sure that one is of a good standard before starting any more.
Personally, i think it’s ideal to only have one blog. Maintaining a blog requires a lot of time, knowledge and creativity. It’s difficult to make a blog successful. How much more if you’re handling two?
Honestly for me it’s very hard to manage multiple blog simultaneously.
I always work on one blog only,until I’ve reached my goal (usually a certain amount of daily visitors) and then move to another one to reach the same goal and go on..
I always recommend a general life blog, and a professional blog (such as this one), this way you can express yourself in all methods.
These are all good points. You could have a bajillion blogs but what would be the point if you really didn’t do anything with any of them. There’s certainly those that can take care of a whole lot of blogs but a good solution for most is to pick something that you’re really interested in and then create a blog just to express yourself.
I have about 15 blogs – too many right now as I need to go back to add more content. Some are ranked on Google 1st. page for KW so I am concentrating on those – Lesson ? – Finish one before starting another (unless you get writers block)
I think one should concentrate on one primary blog and improve it. Having some small blogs other than the main blog is good idea if you want to earn some more money from those.