If you are a business owner, with the use of a business card, you would largely be able to reflect your entity. It can also give an idea about the nature of the service offered by the company. Thus, in short, the main aim of the business cards is to let the customers know about the business owner and the company. Being a business owner, you might have often used these cards. There was a time, when these cards were mainly available in the printed form. The business owner had to carry these cards with them, so that it could give the impression of the details of the business. I personally can say from my experience that carrying your business cards along with you all the time is pretty troublesome; once, I had to carry the business cards for my blog giving away vista print discount coupons and psprint.com coupons all the time with me and ask me it was pretty irritating.
Development of Technology
With the tremendous progress in technology, things have largely undergone a change. Now the business cards are not carried by the business owner in the printed form. Instead, they are loaded in many different apps. With the introduction of iPhone apps, there is absolutely no need of business cards separately. These can easily be loaded into the iPhone to serve the necessary purposes. In fact, it has been found that majority of business owners; especially big companies have already replaced the business cards with the iPhone apps today. More and more companies are eager to replace these with the new tech savvy solutions available these days:
This app is designed in such a manner, so that all your contact information can be placed together into a single QR code image. Therefore, before you load this app, you would have to ensure that there is app of QR code scanning on your phone. Thus, you would easily be able to take a photo of the code and take it directly to the contact information.
This particular app is available currently only for iOS, and it can easily pass on the contact details to another user with the same app. It presents 40 different business card designs, and is lot better than other business cards.
This app is definitely one of the highest profile replacements and it is available for both Android and iOS. It works like it sounds; it lets users to exchange their details via “bumping” into each other. Not only the regular contact information, but, through Bump, users can share pictures or events; they can even connect to each other via different social networking sites. The app works cross platform, meaning that you can bump into another user, despite of the fact, that you use iPhone and the other person uses Android.
These are few of the latest apps that are available in the iPhones for business card replacement. Apart from these, apps like My Name Is E and Google Goggles are fast finding their footholds as well.
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Guest article written by: Costea writes about technology as it relates to marketing a business. He gives away a coupon for Vista Print here. For a Psprint discount code click here. Vista Print and Psprint are two dependable printing services were business can order customized booklets, brochures, business cards and other marketing material.
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Guest article written by: Costea writes about technology as it relates to marketing a business. He gives away a coupon for Vista Print here. For a Psprint discount code click here. Vista Print and Psprint are two dependable printing services were business can order customized booklets, brochures, business cards and other marketing material.
I think QR codes are only best for big companies. I still know a lot of business owners who uses traditional business cards however i do feel that in the near future this cards would be replaced by QR codes.
I don’t have apple iphone as yet but these apps are really worthy and iphone users must be enjoying it.
I think that this application is worth a try, because as you can see business card are old version, and some are not using this nowadays.
thanks for the application..apple fans here..
Great post! Thanks for sharing your knowledge! I’ll go try it out!
Then again nothing can beat real physical business card. I mean it feels more real. I have gone to events where I am more than happy to receive business card rather than taking one’s contact via smartphone apps.
Besides exchanging business card can give both the recipients a sense of respect for each other.
Hi Costea,
I think smartphone and mobiles are the future’s in thing and I think QR Codes and contact sharing applications are already quite a rage and I am sure businesses will slowly be taking these stuffs up. Although I am yet to get an iPhone yet but I am sure people with iPhones will find this apps quite useful
Pretty cool apps here. I still think we’ll need business cards in the future but it’s good that we have this alternative.
Do any of these apps work if the other person doesn’t have the same app? It seems unlikely that everyone you meet will have the same app as you.
that is the new wave these days, but i still think buss cards are important.
Yeah cool application, hope card developed by this application also works for other smart phones. It is good to have digital business card which doesn’t occupy space in your wallet that the one with traditional.
QR codes might not replace the business card, but it certainly compliments it.
The audience that you can reach with QR codes is much more.
I still think business cards will be around for a very long time, even with the iphone out and people using these kinds of business apps. It’s just so much easier to do so.
It will be kinda hard to deliver this codes to people, some dont save this info on their phone, but on their wallet, makes them easier to remember the number instead of seeking all through the phone for the number.
Yeah i know about this application. cool application and i always using this application in the daily basis for my business.
Now your all thing inside small sweet instrument. Enjoy your new identify now
I agree with all of you these iphone apps are really doing a good job for the business person.
I agree with you Apple released amazing apps for the iphone.
I love BUMP. That’s a great app and it’s kinda fun to use. But I haven’t had much luck with any of the QR code readers on the iPhone. I think those are cool but in my opinion never caught on like bar codes have.