Modern day 3D printers usually create intricate objects such as engineering parts are now being used to create something even more complex and completely awe-inspiring; human tissue & organs. Towards the end of last decade,
Organovo realised their concept of the bioprinter; a printer which enables scientists to print human tissue. In 2012 lung tissue was constructed for the first time in history. This construction of human tissue is currently being used to test for causes of known diseases, and in the future organs will be able to be built and then transplanted into patients who require them.
This infographic from PrinterInks contains thought-provoking facts and figures relevant to the scientific subject of bioprinting. For instance, did you know it would take 1,690,912,929,600 hours to print a liver for every member of the human race by using today’s technology? If you want to know more about this fascinating area of scientific discovery, click on the link provided.

Created by Printerinks
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3D printers are evolving, as we’re speaking. I hope the new technologies would save lives in the foreseeable future.