What fixed the problem for me, was going to www.youtube.com/html5 and opt-out of the HTML5 video player which I opt’ed-in for a long way back, since I’m not a big Flash fan.
This solved it for me, although it means going to the Flash-based player, at least YouTube now plays smoothly in Safari again. When the next Safari update is out, 5.1.8 I assume, I’ll try to see if I can enable HTML5 again and hopefully it will work like it used to, before the 5.1.7 update.
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I’ve heard of a couple people complaining about the same problem. Will be sure to pass the advice on. Thanks for the valuable information.
I generally use Google Chrome to play all YouTube videos. Videos do play faster than other browsers and without any buffering at all.
I though it was happening only to my computer. Thank you for sharing this simple solution with us.
I haven’t recognized this kind of problem, although I’ve been using safari for a while, and it has worked fine with both of the html5 and flash versions as well. Some other flash-based video players haven’t run perfectly, that’s true.
I find that other video sites skip as well with Safari, I thought it may have been my old Mac though. 4OD often fails to play which is pretty annoying.
I am so glad I have been thinking about switching to chrome, but now I only have to wait for the next safari update.
Instead of using other browsers, I prefer Google Chrome for all my activities including youtube videos; there is no doubt in the matter that Google Chrome loads web pages or videos faster than others. HTML5 is really great technology and more thoughtful matter is that I is going to supplant proprietary technology Adobe’s Flash. I have tried HTML5 video trial on Youtube. Thanks for sharing.